~s'.:~:: - ~ PacE .347
<br />484 J. L, Browning $ 7769 69.65 Originally listed in Durham Co,
<br />for 1970. Transferred listing to
<br />_ Orange County as he should have
<br />listed here, We released late
<br />list we charged after getting
<br />confirmation from Durham County,
<br />-.-. 485 W, V, Jordan 6 10043 ~ 169.56 Have incomplete 1/1/70, He is
<br />building it himself and it still
<br />is not done,
<br />486 Masonie Lodge 7 23511 96.26 Already approved,
<br />Tha County Administrator was repuested to invite the. Chanel Hill and the
<br />Carrboro Town Board of Aldermen to attend the meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 1971,
<br />for discussion of the Ambulance contract.
<br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was
<br />ad~vurned to meet again on Tuesday, March 9, 1971.
<br />Harvey D, Sennett, Chairman ~ .
<br />Bettq June Hayes, Clerk
<br />I
<br />,•-. March 9, 1971
<br />i .
<br />The Board of County Conuaissionera of Orange County met in ad3ourned seasina
<br />at 8 o~alock P,M, on Tuesday, March 9, 1971, in the Commissioners Room at the
<br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. ~,
<br />Members Present: Chairman Harvey D, Bennett, and Commissioners William C. ~
<br />Ray, Henry S, Walker, Ira A, Ward and C, Norman Walker,
<br />Members Absent: None ii
<br />Chairman Bennett presented a letter from Gordon Kaga, Representative of the
<br />Chanel Hill Kiwania Club. Said latter repuested permission for the club to stage I
<br />a fireworks display on Sundaq, July 4, 1971 on the UNC campus, i
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ira A,
<br />Ward, it was moved and adopted that the Chapel Hill Kiwanis Club be granted a
<br />permit for a fireworks display on July 4, 1971, with the condition that the
<br />display be conducted under the supervision of the Chapel Hill Fire Department. I
<br />Chairman Bennett announced that this was the time and place scheduled for
<br />the public hearing on the Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE EXPOSURE
<br />TO VIEW THE HUMAN BODY." He stated further that this public hearing was being _ ~
<br />conducted as per the raouirements of G. S, 1S3_9(55),
<br />Chairman Bennett then recognized L. M. Cheshire, County Attorney, for the
<br />second reading of said ordinance. Upon the completion of the reading of said `"
<br />ordinance Chairman Bennett repuested that any persons present who wished to speak
<br />in support of said ordinance would at this time be recognized.
<br />_ Chairman Bennett recognized C, D, Knight, Sheriff of Orange County. Sheriff
<br />Knight stated that at the present time there was only one topless club which was
<br />operating in the county and that it had not caused any type of law enforcement
<br />problem. He stated further that he felt these types of establishments are not j
<br />in the beat inter®at of the public morals and that they could caus® a certain
<br />amount of bad influence for gounger people, and that clubs of this type, which
<br />existed in other areas, had caused considerable aroblems for the law enforcement
<br />agencies.
<br />