Orange County NC Website
50GK 1 PAGE 338 MINIITES OF THE ORANGE CDTTNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />February 1, 1971 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session <br />at 10:00 o~clock A. M. on Monday, February 1, 1971, in the Commissioners Room <br />at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman Harvey D. Sennett, and Commissioners William C. <br />Ray, Henry S. Walker, Tra A. Ward and C. Norman Walker. <br />Members Absent: None <br />The minutes were read and approved. <br />Chairman Bennett adjourned the Board of Commissioners and said meeting <br />was re-convened as a Board of Commissioners for the Orange County Housing <br />Authority. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Coolidge Porterfield, Executive Secretary of <br />the Orange County Housing Authority. Mr. Porterfield read the minutes of the <br />last meeting of the Authority. For other business of this meeting see minute <br />doa$et of the Orange County Housing Authority. <br />Chairman Sennett adjourned the Board of Commissioners for the Orange <br />County Housing Authority meeting and said meeting wsa re-convened as a Board <br />of County Commissianera. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized a group of citizens of the Miller Road area. <br />Lawrence Summey acted as spokesman of the group and they inauired sa to the <br />status of the road petition submitted for sR numbers 1551} and 1555. From the <br />road file it was determined that the County had not received any aorresnondenae <br />relative to this petition. The Clerk was reauested to write the State Highway <br />Commission to have them advise Mr. Summey as to the statue of Millar Road. <br />Chairman Sennett recognized Norman Long, Zoning Officer. Mr. Long <br />advised the Board that the reouest of C. Whid Powell and others for the re-zoning <br />bf approximately 59 cares located in Chapel Hill township from a Residential <br />District to a Mobile Home Park. The Planning Board, by unanimous vote, recommends <br />denial. On the reouest of C. Whid Powell and others for re-zoning of two (2) <br />scree from a Residential Diatriat to a Rural Commercial District the Planning <br />Board, by unanimous vote, reaommenda denial. Discussion ensued. <br />IIpen motion of Commissioner Ira A. Weld, seoonded by Commissioner C. Norman <br />Walker, it wsa moved and unanimously adopted, that the Board conovr with the <br />recommendation of the Planning Board in the denial of the two reavests <br />received from C. Whid Powell and others. <br />-f ~ Chairman Bennett inquired of the County Administrator as to the progress <br />being made on the Seven Mil® Creek Reservoir Mr. Gattis stated that John <br />Pridgen, Engineer for said project, had requested that the Board plan a meeting <br />for the purpose of reviewing the current proposal. Discussion ensued and it <br />was agreed that Quentin Patterson would ba requested to be present and that the <br />meeting with Mr. Pridgen would be scheduled for Monday, February 8, 1971, at_.._ <br />8 P.M. <br />Chairman Bennett brought to the attention of the Board that Clarence Jones, <br />Chairman of the Drange County Human Relations Council, had requested that the <br />Commissioners appoint three members to the Council. Chairman Sennett inquired <br />as to the fiat of names of parsons who had bean recommended for appointment. <br />No action was taken on the matter. <br />Chairman Bennett presented a letter from the Battle of Alamanae Bi-Centennial <br />Committee. Said letter advised that the Alamanoe County Ristorioal Association <br />is planning a Bi-Centennial commoration of the Battle of Alamsace the week of <br />May 9-16, 1971. We want all the counties that were at one time a part of the <br />original Orange County to have a part in this commoration. Thep further <br />reauested that Orange County sponsor a page in the ao~mnerative book and participate <br />in the barade. The Clerk was instructed to vontsat the departments within <br />the county and ask for suggestions relative to Orange County~s participation <br />in said event. <br />Chairman Bennett presented a letter from the North Central Piedmont <br />Recourse and Conservation Development Commission. Said letter extended an _, <br />invitation for the members of the Board to attend a dinner meeting on February <br />22, 1971, in Rockingham County. It was agreed that all members of the Board <br />would try to attend this meeting. <br />