Orange County NC Website
eoo~ 7 PACE 336 MINUTES of TI3E ORANGE coUNTY <br />BCARD OF CCMMI$BICNERS <br />January !}, 1971 <br />The Board of Commissioners oP Crange Counts met in adjourned session <br />at 8 o`clock F.M. on Monday, January L{., 1971, in the Courtroom of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina for the duly advertised public <br />haarfng in conjunction with the County Planning Board. <br />Members Fresent: Chairman Harvey A. Bennett and Commisaionera.William <br />C. Ray, Henry S. Walker, Ira A. Ward and C. Norman Walker. <br />Chairman Bennett oalled the hearing to order and then turned the chair <br />over to Charles Johnston, Chairman of the Orange County Planning Board who <br />proceeded to conduct the publio hearing. For minutes of this pub lie hearing <br />you are hereby referred to the minute docket of the Crange County Planning <br />Board. <br />At the oonclusion of the hearing Chairman Johnston turned the chair <br />back to Chairman Bennett and said hearing was adjourned. <br />Harvey D. Bennett, Chairman <br />L' <br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE CRANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF CCM[~CSSIONERS <br />January 11, 1971 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met is Joint session with <br />mambera of the Mebane Town Board of Aldermen on January 11, 1971, at 7:30 <br />o`clock P.M. at the Arrowhead Restaurant near Mebane. <br />Members Fresent: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett and Commissioners William <br />C. Ray, Henry S. Walker, Ira A. Ward and C. Norman Walker. <br />Members Absent: None <br />This meeting was called far the purpose of discusaiag with, the Town of <br />Mebane the possibility of the towns acceptance of sewerage effluent from a <br />privately owned housing development. The Town officials indicated that it <br />was the feeling of the Board that the developers of the housing protect <br />should arrange to pay the town in proportion to the capacity of effluent <br />received from the development into the town sewerage plant and they exprasaed <br />a willingness to try and work out a suitable agreement with the developers. <br />Further dissuasion ensued and it was agreed that engineers of E. A.A.G., Inc., <br />should confer with engineers for the Town of Mebane in an attempt to develop <br />a sewerage proposal plan that would meet the approval of the Town Board. <br />Thera being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was <br />adtavrned. <br />Harvey D. Bennett, Chairman <br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk <br />