Orange County NC Website
60G'd 7 PAGE 3a3~ MINBIIOT~ CF COMMI3520NER8~~ <br />January 4, 1971 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session <br />at 10:00 o~alock A.M. on Monday, January 1F, 1971, in the Commissioners Room at <br />the Courthouse i.n Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman Harvey D, Bennett, and Commissioners William C. <br />Ray, Henry S. Walker, C, Norman Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent; None <br />The minutes were read and approved. <br />Chairman Bennett adjourned the Board of Commissioners and said meeting <br />was re-oonvened as a Board of Commissioners for the Orange County Housing <br />Authority. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Coolidge Porterfield, Executive Secretary of <br />the Orange County Housing Authority. Mr. Porterfield read the minutes oP the <br />last meeting of the Authority. For other buainese oP this meeting see minute <br />docket of the Orange Count;/ Housing Authority. <br />Chairman Bennett adjourned the Board of Commissioners for the Orange <br />County Housing Authority meeting and said meeting was re-convened as a Board <br />of County Commissioners. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Fred Cates, Mayor of the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Mayor Cates explained the progress which was being made relative to the assess <br />road from I-$~ into the West Hillsborough area. Ae reaueated that the Board <br />endorse the construotion of said road. Discussion ensued. <br />IIpon motion of Commissioner William C. Ray, aeaonded by Commissioner Ira A. <br />Ward, it was moved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners strongly endorse <br />the construction of SR 17.1.8 which will be known as the western by-pass as long as <br />the funds for the construction oP said road are not taken from the 1971 Secondary <br />Road allocation for Orange County. <br />It was brought to the attention of the Board that opposition had materialized <br />relative to the routing of 2-1}0 through Orange County. Discussion ensued on this <br />matter. Commissioner Bennett advised members of the Board that the Highway <br />Commission would be conducting a public hearing relative to the routing oP I-L~.O <br />on Tuesday, January 19, 1971, at 11 A.M, at the National Guard Armory in Durham. <br />Chairman Bennett brought to the attention of the Board the letter which <br />had been received from the State Highway Commission pertaining to the Boards <br />request that a graded out walking area be provided along Estes Drive. Said <br />letter advised the Board that the State Highway Commission Gould not provide <br />such an area due to the lack of right of way along 73stea Drive. Discussion <br />ensued as to the Chapel Hill School Boards original renueat Por sidewalks. No <br />further action wsa taken on the matter. <br />The Clerk was instructed to forward a road petition received from residents <br />of Latta Road and a petition for SR 1550 to the State Highway Commission. <br />Chairman Sennett stated that the needed Resolutions had been filed with the <br />County Board of Elections and that the necessary atepe were being made to call <br />a Lonal Option Sales Tea Election. The Board agreed that a countywide steering <br />committee made up of representatives from each voting precinct and other <br />interested citizens should be appointed. Discussion ensued as to the problem <br />of financing the publicity and other items needed for passage oP said issue. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Tom Ward, Director of Social Services. Mr. Ward <br />presented the Blind Aid Agenda. <br />~~ <br />