Orange County NC Website
ICi:.3c Ili ~.,D,iL'::1,_,TJ SBSSIOIv' <br />JL~_ I2- I^.37 <br />Ti:e Bomrdlmet at .3 ;p ,y _^esert Comte. ?o.^.ers ~.h,S.~ . <br />~' Nathan and Carl T Burham <br />..yi`.:-L~ttcx Orange Ceurty welfare Gf:icer subritted for approvaal a Budget fcr 193.7 <br />'-' 1538 askiag fcr-a total appropriation of :'ands by-Orange County-of,~26.9I0.IE,~_or all <br />_~ purposes(Oi3 nge_ ~'ependert Children- Aid to Blir.d- Aministraticn,Salariea etcj <br />Thg Tentative Budget fcr the entire County,ll appropriations,Salaries,~etiremert of <br />Boads Sinking lends, etc svaspresented by the Aecainta}~'~} ail ordered filed~a~8~n°biished <br />by the Coun~y.Acc~sntant as required by iaw,;or final approval at the per+, regular meeting <br />of t'ris Boa~d. <br />On motion is is hereby ordere3 that the Tax Supe~isor have a l~otice_Pu~~ished, -that-this <br />Board ~~ill m et ffis July2O,t> 1937 to hear all complaints-from tax payers as .to the 2937 <br />assesr.,ents,t)Fis being the legal and only time Iris Board can rear such complaints. <br />Them being o further business ojlmotion adje~rned to meet on July 26th as stated <br />J,H F+anrer <br />Chairman <br />Clerk To Board <br />