Minutes - 19700803
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19700803
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MINIITES OF THE ORANaE COIINTX BDDK ~ TALE 299 ~ <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />August 3, 1970 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session at 10:00 <br />o~clock A.M. on August 3, 1970, in the Staff Room of the Social Services Building <br />at Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Pr®sent: Chairman Carl M. Smith, and Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, <br />William C. Ray, Henry S. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: None -• <br />Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. <br />Sheriff C. D. Knight introduced James Aurhsm, Coordinator oP the Tri County <br />(Alamance-Orange-Chatham) Law k'iPorcement Agency, and Ken McCotter, Representative <br />of the same agency. Mr. Durham explained the Law sad Order program as it is <br />being implemented in North Carolina under the Omnibus Crime Bill. He stated that <br />$300,000.00 had been made available for local law enforaem®nt unite through the . <br />enactment oP this bill, that these funds, together with local funds, would be used <br />to upgrade the local law enforcement program. He cited that Orange County would <br />institute a fine man narcotics squad, a full time police dispatcher, various <br />programs for the city police units and an educational display which would be used <br />primarily in the county schools. <br />Ken McCotter explained the salary plan which was being proposed for law <br />etxforcement agencies. He cited that incentive and motivation factors were being <br />taken into consideration in the new plan. - <br />Chairman Smith thanked Sheriff Knight and the repreaentativea present for <br />their presentation. ~ <br />~hairman Smith recognized Fred Cates,. Mayor of the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Mayor Cates explained to the Board a proposal to run a twelve inch (12") water i <br />line from Hillabarcugh along highway 70-A to Rock House Road and that a six inch ' <br />(6") water line would be run from the twelve inch (12") line to Colonial Hills. ~ <br />Mr. Cates stated that in order to make this water line available to the citizens <br />of that area it would coat approximately $10,200 and that he was reouesting the. <br />County of Orange to commit the sum of $1~.~,ODO to the construction of this line. <br />Mr. Cates advised the Board that the County funds would be repaid by fees collected ~~ <br />for taps. Aisausaion ensued. <br />Chairman Smith advised Mr. Cates that the money for such s purpose was not <br />currently available unless the 1971 tax rate was increased to cover said <br />expenditure and that the Board would take the matter under advisement, in that, <br />they were in the process of trying to set the currant tax rate. <br />Mark Burnham, Regional Planner for the Research Triangle Planning Commission, <br />stated that an adequate size water line to the Colonial Hills area was needed. <br />He encouraged the Board to consider the idea of city water and endorsed Mr. Catea~ <br />proposal. Mr. Burnham stated further that he felt the County should adopt a water <br />and sewerage line policy sa this was an area of great nee~.~_- <br />Chairman Smith adjourned the Board of Commissioners and said meeting was <br />r®-convened as Board of Commissioners for the Orange Gounty Housing Authority. <br />Chairman Smith recognized Coolidge Porterfield, Secretary of the Orange <br />County Housing Authority. Mr. Porterfield read the minutes of the Housing <br />Authority meetings. For other business of this meeting see minute dooket oP <br />the Orange County Housing Authority. <br />Chairman Smith adjourned the Board of Commissioners for the Orange County <br />Housing Authority meeting and said meeting was re-convened as a Board of County <br />Commissioners. <br />Chairman Smith advised the Board that the North Carolina Commissioners <br />Association was sponsoring a Social Ssrvica Action committee meeting in Raleigh <br />on Wednesday, August 12, 1970, at the Hilton Inn. Commissioner Ray was appointed <br />to represent the Board at this meeting. <br />Comrniasioner Ward advised the Board that he had received a letter of <br />acceptance from Dr. Faring relative to the ABC Boards proposal of sponsoring a <br />Mental Health program for alceholica. <br />_ ,~• - - _ <br />
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