Orange County NC Website
8008 ~ `r4LE `~~~ <br />Chairman Smith recognized Dr. Roy Lindahl, Chairman of the Chapel. Hi11 <br />School Hoard. Dr. Lindahl stated that his Board endorsed the school budget <br />which had previously been submitted and that if the reoueat were denied hie <br />unit would have to eliminate a great many needed items Prom the enrichment <br />portion of the school program. He stated further that if the budget allocated <br />was reduced to $91.OC per student auto in the school program would be needed. <br />Dr. Wilmer Cody stated that with the opening of three new. schools and the <br />increased cost of personal a relatively large sum of money would be needed in <br />order to maintain the current services. <br />Chairman Smith recognized George Williams, Superintendent of the County <br />School System. Mr. Williams stated that $98.00 per student will allow some <br />enrichment program to the County system, but that it would be neaesaary to <br />have s $91.00 per student allocation in order to maintain last years level. <br />Disoussion ensued between all School repreaentativea and the $oard of <br />Commissioners relative to the capital outlay budgets. <br />Commissioner Ward stated that he was not satisfied with the division of <br />the proposed one million dollar capital outlay appropriation. He stated that <br />he felt the division should be equalized with the student enrollment. The <br />Chapel Hill SohooT Hoard did not agree with Commissioner Ward~a thinking and <br />stated that their unit was experiencing a faster rate of growth than the County <br />unit. <br />Gera Sykes, Route 2, Hillsborough, North Carolina, presented a petition <br />which read as follows: "We the undersigned land owners of Hobbs Cross Roads <br />Community hereby petition the Commissioners of Orange Couisty to prohibit the <br />erection of trailer park or parks in the aforementioned locality". <br />Chairman Smith advised Mr. Sykes that the Board had nv authority to <br />acknowledge the reoueat made in the petition. Chairman Smith suggested that <br />Mr. Sykes present the matter to the District Health Department. <br />There being no further business tq come before the Board the meeting was <br />Hallurned to meat again on Monday, July 20, 1970 at 8 P.M. in the Mebane Town <br />Carl M. Smith, Chairman <br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORAN(}$ COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />July 2D, 1970 <br />The Board oP County Commiasionera oP Orange County met in adjourned session <br />with the Town Board of Mebane at the office of the Mebane Home Telephone Company <br />in Mebane on Monday, July 20, 1970, at 8 P. M. - <br />Membera Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith, and Commissioners Harvey D. <br />Sennett, William C. Ray, Henry S. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: None <br />~ This meeting was held for the purpose of reviewing the request made for <br />Orange County to extend`tha water lines along Center Street and the reoueat Prom <br />a private developer to be allowed to place sewerage into the sewerage line <br />which is located between Melville Furniture Company and Pannax, Inc. <br />W. C. Henderson, Mayor Pro tam of the Town of Mebane stated that the Town <br />had been petitioned to provide water services to the residents oP Center Street <br />and that the Town was unable to provide this service. Discussion ensued <br />relative to this matter. <br />Chairman Smith asked if the Town oP Mebane would be willing to accept the <br />effluent from the proposed housing development. Mayor Henderson stated that <br />the Town Board had not reached a decision relative to this request. <br />~_ <br />