Orange County NC Website
BOOK 7 ~,~E 29.4 MI\T~i'ES CF THE ORANGE CCTJ*TTv <br />30ARD 0'F COr~I2SS20NERS <br />July 6, 1970 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session at 1C:OC <br />o~clock A,M, in the Commissioners Room at the Courtheuse in Hillsborough, rrorth <br />Carolina on Monday, July 6, 1970, <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M, Smith and Ccmmissioners Harvey D. Bennett, <br />~.Jilliam C. Ray,. Henry 5, Walser and Ira 4. :~Tard, ~ <br />Membe~S Absent: :done <br />Piinutes of the previous meetings were read and approved, <br />Jaek Tilsan spoke in behalf of the citizens from the Rogers Road area. He <br />stated that there was forty-five families living on the road and that it had, at <br />or_e time, been accepted for paving, but same wee never paved because one property <br />owner refused to sign the right of way. Tt was pointed out that the high traffic <br />count occurred at the southern end of the road and that the citizens were req_ueating <br />the highway department to consider paving the road up to and including the Ernest <br />Rogers drive or else asking that they re-locate the northern entrance from SR 1729. <br />Inquiry was made relative to Purefoy Drive which leads o£f of Rogers Road. Discussion <br />ensued relative tv the existing conditions. Chairman Smith stated that the Clerk <br />woLtld advise the State Highway Commission of the recuest and advised the group that a <br />road petition should be submitted for Purefoy Drive, <br />Betsy Farrington of Route 4, Box 46q, Chanel Hill, North Carolina, was present <br />to innuire if the Board could assist in securing paving for 53 1945 which had bean <br />previously adopted for paving, but had not been paved because one of the property <br />owners refused to sign the right of way agreement, Chairman Smith advised TJTx•s, <br />Farrington that the Board would irvestigate her request, <br />Chairman Smith presented a letter relative to the dangerous intersection located <br />rn Pittsboro Road, Said letter requested that a traffic light, similiar to the one <br />located at I4anning Drive, be installed at the intersection of Farrington Road which <br />leads to the Grey Culbreth School, The Clerk was instructed to make the request <br />for such a traffic signal light with the State Highway Commission, <br />Chairman Smith stated that he had been requested to again investigate the <br />possibility of securing signal lights for the railroad crossing located on Homestead <br />Road, He stated that he felt such was needed, because of the infrequent use, by <br />Southern Railway, did ir_crease the danger at said crossinc, The Clerk was instructed <br />to again contact Srn~,+hsrn Railway Company relative to this matter and to further <br />innuire, of the State`Highway Commission, the statue of the access road to <br />Crange High School from F_ighway 86 and Chapel Hill High School Road from Estes Drive <br />extension, Discussion ensued relative to the petition which had been submitted <br />for the Piney Mountain Road. <br />Anon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seoonded by Commissioner Ward, it was moved <br />that the Crange County Board of Comxrissionera Qo on record as approving and endorsing <br />the paving of the Piney Mountain Road. <br />T7pon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Ward, it was <br />moved and adopted that the Board of Commissioners endorse the recuest received from <br />the citizens of Rogers Road relative to the paving of said road, <br />Chairman Smith presented a letter from Fred D. Somers, Jr, addressed to C, L, <br />Benson, Commissioner, Said letter renuested that SR ;.`1958 be paved, <br />Chairman Smith presented a letter fram Nellie Andrews relative to raw sewersge <br />being placed in a stream near her home, She advised the Board that attempts had <br />been made through the District and State Health Department to rectify the situation; <br />however, it had become necessary to institute a court suit, <br />Chairman Smith presented a letter from ~?uentin W, Patterson, District <br />Ccnaervationist, who advised the Board that a Sediment Study of the Lake Orange .watershed <br />emphasized the need that three silt detention structures should be built and that one <br />of the three could be included in the RC&D 1971 plan of work provided the .needed funds <br />were available. The estimate of coat for the 197.1 fiscal year is $15,000. Mr, <br />Patterson requested that the Board advise him if they wish to include, in the RC&D <br />71an of work, one of the sediment detention structures, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Sennett, seconded by Commissioner !deed, it was <br />moved and adopted that the Board reouest the RCgcD Commission to incorporate in its <br />1?71 budget money sufficient for the construction of one sediment detention structure, <br />r _.r <br />Commissioner Ray reouested to be recorded &s abstaining from the vote of this matter, <br /> <br />