BOOK ~ SAGE 2~~ ~
<br />Chairman Smith advised Mr. Hawkins that it would be difficult to access pr
<br />tp establish a firm price quotation because the Board had no way of being aware of a
<br />precise location of any proppsed industries and that the total investment, of Orange
<br />County, must be considered before any figures were agreed upon.
<br />Chairman Smith read a letter received from lames Wallace relative tb the fees
<br />charged at Lake Orange. Mr. Wallace requested that the County proceed to
<br />guarantee citizens access to Lake Orange at a reasonable prescribed fee.
<br />Commissioner Ward and Commissioner Walker, stated that they felt the County
<br />needed the water when the Lake was developed and that the County had obtained
<br />the water at a reasonable cost to the public. Further discussion ensued.
<br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was '
<br />adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, June 9, 1970, at 8 o'clock P.M.
<br />S. M. Gattis,. Actirg.,Cler~r
<br />Carl M. Smith, Chairman
<br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in adjourned session at the
<br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina, in the Commissioners Room at 8 o'clock
<br />P.M, on Tuesday, June 9, 197D.
<br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith, and Commissioners Harvey D. Sennett,
<br />Ira A. Ward, Henry S. Walker and William C. Ray.
<br />Members Absent: None
<br />~'- This meeting was held for the purpose pf discussing the proppsed 1970-71
<br />budget. Quentin Patterson, County Soil Conservationist, introduced Lacy Coats,
<br />Water Shed Planning Economists. Mr. Coats reviewed the findings obtained in the
<br />preliminary study of the proposed Seven Mile Creek reservior. He stated that the
<br />engineering and geologic point of view for the proposed site was satisfactory and
<br />that it would be reasonable to construct an earth dam of apprpximately 84 feet in
<br />height. He stated further that his design would impound water at. an average elevation
<br />of 600.7 feet above sea level, that a sediment storage pool of 614 acre feet,
<br />7,056 acre feet for municipal water storage and 2,899 feet for flood water storage
<br />could be maintained in the proposed structure. This lake would contain about
<br />400 surface acres and have a total lake capacity of 10,500 acres. With the emergency
<br />spillway elevation set at 590.3 feet, the normal water line would fluctuate about
<br />nine feet.
<br />Mr. Coats sited that the average land cost of 5500 per acre was used. to determine
<br />the following: Construction Cost-579S,OOp.00; Land Value at 5500.00 per acre-
<br />5300,000.00.
<br />He further stated that the ._ Piedmont Research and Conservation Agency
<br />might participate in the funding of the proposed project. The following estimates
<br />were given: A&E Contract-$11,D0O.00; Construction Inspection-$71,500.00; Constru-
<br />tion-5135,000.00; making a total of $217,500.00. __--
<br />L. David Dixon of the Soil Conservation Service stated that he was pf the
<br />opinion that work on the planned soil map would be under way after July 1, 1970.
<br />T.loyd Osterman, Regional Librarian, presented the Regional Library's budget.
<br />Said budget totaled $20,630.000 and represented an increase of $2,67D.00 over the
<br />1969-70 budget request. Mr. Osterman stated that $1,900 pf the monies was
<br />ear-marked for renovation of the upstairs area of the library and that the additional
<br />monies would allow for a 10% salary increase for the library personnel.
<br />Mr. Osterman presented for the apprpval of the Board an agreement for death
<br />benefits under the North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was
<br />r moved and adopted that the following agreement be properly executed.
<br />General Employees
<br />In accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of G.S.
<br />128-27 setting Earth the conditions under which the rights to
<br />the death benefit might be made available to members of the North
<br />Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System, this
<br />AGREEMENT is hereby entered into between the County Commissioners
<br />of Orange County and the Director of said Retirement System.
<br />In consideration of an increase of .33% in the employer's
<br />contribution rate effective as of July 1, 1970, the North Carolina
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