Orange County NC Website
s~a~ ~ FdcE 279 <br />5. Chapel Hi11 Public Library financial statement <br />6. Letter from John Laszlo, Route 1, Durham, N, C, littering of roads. <br />7. Report of Zoning Officer. <br />8.~ Newsletter from Chapel Hi11-Carrboro Multi Purpose Center. <br />9. Minutes meeting Health Planning Council for Central North Carolina. <br />10. Area news North Central Piedmont R C & D. <br />There being no Further business to come before the Board said meeting was <br />adjourned to meet again on Thursday, May 1L~, 1970, at 8 P.M. <br />Carl M. Smith, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINTITES OF THE ORANGE COTINTY <br />BOARD OF COMMxSSIONERS <br />May 7Ja., 1970 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met is adjourned session at <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina, in the Commissioners Room at <br />8 o~clock P,M. on Thursday, Map 1L}, 1970. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M, Smith, and Cor~issioners Harvey D. Bennett, <br />and Sra A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: Commissioners William C. Ray and Henry S. Walker. <br />This meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the 1970 contract with <br />representatives of the Durham Ambulance Service. <br />According to a submitted financial statement covering the period Jul 1, 1969, <br />through December 31, 1969, the Durham Ambulance Service had a defecit of1,800.00 <br />for the indicated period and the new contract represented a $650.00 monthly <br />increase and was broken down in the following manner: $150.00 to recover the <br />defecit of the previous years, $300.00 to prevent re-occurring defecit and $200.00 <br />as potential profit. Discussion ensued and the Board offered to renew the contract <br />with the Durham Ambulance Service,for a period of one year, Por $35,300.00. The <br />Vice-President of the company agreed to acceAt the Boards offer and stated that <br />the contract would be presented at the June meeting. <br />The County Administrator was instructed to forward a memorandum proposing <br />a cost sharing arrangement with the Town of Chapel Hi11 and the Town of Carrbora. <br />There being no further business to coma before the Board said meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />Carl M. Smith, Chairman <br />S. M. Gatos, Acting Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD pF COMMISSZDNERS <br />June 1, 197p <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session at the <br />L Courthouse in the City of Hillsborough, at 10:00 o~clock A.M., on June 1, 1970. <br />The meeting was called to order by the Chairman-and upon roll call, those <br />present and absent were as follows: <br />Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith, and Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, William <br />C. Ray, Henry 5. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Absent: None <br />y <br />