Minutes - 19700504
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19700504
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MINUTES OF T~ ORANGE COUNTS' gQpK . 7 'r.LE ~~~. <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />May 1}, 7970 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in Regular session at the <br />Courthouse in the City of Hillsborough, at ].0:00 o'clock A.M., on May 4, 1970. <br />Ths meeting was called to order by the Chairman and upon roll call, those <br />r present and absent were as follows: <br />Present: Chairman Carl M, Smith, and Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, William <br />C. Ray, Henrq S. Ldalker and Ira A, Ward. <br />Absent: None <br />Minutes of the previous meetings were read by the Clerk and approved by the <br />Board, <br />Chairman Smith recognized Coolidge PorterfSeld who stated that there were <br />several resolutions which must be adopted by the County Commissioners and the <br />Cammisaionera of the Public Housing Authority. <br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ward, read in full <br />and considered: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 1 <br />RESOLUTION APPROPING APPLICATION FOR LOW-R~1T SOTJSING <br />WREREAS, it is the policy of this locality to eliminate substandard and other <br />inadequate housing, to prevent the spread of slums and blight, and to realize as <br />soon as feasible the goal of a decent home in a suitable living environment for all <br />of its citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, under the previsions of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as <br />amended, the United States of America (herein called the "Government") is authorized <br />to provide financial assistance to local public housing agencies for preliminary <br />planning of developing low-rent housing unite or for leasing. dwelling units in <br />existing privately-owned structures, that will assist in meeting this goal; and <br />WHEREAS, the Act provides that there shall be local determination of need for <br />low-rent housing to meat needs not being adequately met by private enterprise and <br />that the Government shall not make any contract with a public housing agency for <br />preliminary' loans for aurvegs and planning in respect to any low-rent housing <br />-- projeata unless the governing body of the locality involved has bq resolution approved <br />the application of the public housing agenep for such preliminary loan; and <br />WHEREAS, leasing of dwelling units under Section 23 of the Act requires approval <br />of leasing units by the local governing body; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Sousing Authority (herein called the "Local Authority") <br />is,a public housing agency end is applying to the Government for low-rant housing. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Co:mnissionera of the County of <br />Orange as fol7.ows: <br />1. There exists in the County of Orange a need for such low-rent housing :at rents <br />within the means of low-income families. <br />2. The application of the Local Authority to the Government for a preliminary <br />loan in an amount not to exceed ~2DD,ODD for surveys and planning in. <br />connection with low-rent housing projects of not to exceed approximately <br />500 dwelling unite is hereby approved, <br />3. The application of leasing under provisions of Section 23 of the United <br />States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, to <br />is approved City, Town, County, etc. <br />(Nate: Fill in Item 3 if Leased Housing is applied for.) <br />Commissioner Bennett moved that all rules of the Board of Commissioners which, <br />unless suspended, would prevent the final passage and adoption of said Resolution <br />at this meeting be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of pertnittin~ <br />tho en rsiderat?nn, adoption, and final passage of said Resolution at this meeting <br />~ and that unanimous consent of all members present be given for the immediate can- <br />- sideration of said Resolution. Tha Motion was seconded bq Cor~issioner ldard. The <br />oueatian being nut as to the adoption of said Motion, the suspension of such rules <br />and the giving of unanimous consent to the consideration tY:ereof, the roll was called <br />with the following result: <br />:1YES: NAYS : <br />5 0 <br />a <br />
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