Orange County NC Website
aooK 7 ;~fE 2'7O MINUTES OF THE O.RAISGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONEFt5 <br />April 28, 1970 <br />The Board of Orange County Commissioners met in adjourned session in the Court- <br />room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina on April 28, 1970, at 8 P,M. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith, and Commissioners Barvey D, Bennett, <br />?dilliam C, Ray, Beery S, TeTalker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: None <br />Chairman Smith announced that this was the duly advertised date for the n_ublic _ <br />hearing on the Question of amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance and map. Chairman~- <br />3mith turned the chair over to Charles Johnston, Chairman of the County Planning Board. ` <br />Mr. Johnston conducted the public hearing and for the records of the minutes of this <br />public hearing you are hereby referred to the minute docket of the Orange County' Planning <br />Board. <br />At the conclusion of the vublic hearing Chairman Johnston turned the meeting back <br />to Chairman Smith who then declared the public hearing adjourned. <br />The County Administrator presented a plat entitled "Wo1f~a Pond" and recommended <br />that the Board approve said plat as it had met the requirements for approval. <br />Upon motion of Cammiasioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Ward, it was moved and <br />unanimously adopted that Chairman Smith b® authorized to sign the plat entitled "Wolf's <br />Pond". <br />There being no further business to coma before the Board said meeting was adjourned. <br />Carl M, Smith, Chairman <br />S, M, Gatti s, Acting Clerk <br />