Orange County NC Website
MINUTES OF TEE ORANGE COUPdTY <br />BOARD OF COI+IMISSTONERS <br />April 6, 1970 <br />B~~K - % ~nLE 26'~ <br />The Bo'erd of County Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session <br />at 10 o~clock A,M, on Monday, April 6, 1970, in the Commissioners Room at the <br />Courthouse in Rillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith and Commissioners Harvey D. Sennett, <br />William C. Ray, Remy S. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: None <br />Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. <br />Norman Long, County Zoning Dfficer, advised the Board that he currently had on <br />file three renuesta for re-zoning in Eno Township and that the Planning Board had <br />three amendments to the Zoning Ordinance which must be submitted to a public hearing. <br />The public hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, 1970, at 8 P. M. in the <br />Courtroom at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Wiley Perry delivered to the Board a letter signed by Sune Grumpier relative <br />to the property tax assessment on the Orange-Alamance Water Systems, Tna. Chairman <br />Smith referred the letter to the Tax Supervisor and advised Mr. Perry that the <br />matter would be placed on the agenda of the Board of Equalization and Review. <br />The matter of a feasibility study far sewerage services was raised and the <br />County Administrator reported that L. A. Alley, Engineer, had agreed to conduct <br />the survey for $4,1FOO.CO plus publination coat. The County Administrator further <br />stated that the Research Triangle Regional Planning Commission had reviewed the <br />scope of the survey and had found same to be satisfactory. Chairman Smith appointed <br />Commissioner Ward, Conmiisaioner Ray and the County Administrator as members o£ a <br />Committee to investigate the q..ueation of the feasibility study. Chairman Smith <br />reouested that the Committee make a report at the May meeting. <br />Donald Roberts, Chairman of the United States Department of Agriculture Civil <br />Defense Committee, requested the Board tv appoint a Civil Defense Director. <br />Discussion ensued. Commissioner Rap advised the Board that Burch Compton, former <br />Civil Defense Director, had agreed to accept this position on a temporary basis and <br />that Gladys Bunker had agreed to serve as Assistant.Civ31 Defense Director. <br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Ward, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was <br />~- moved and unanimously adopted, that Burch Compton be appointed as Civil Defense <br />Director for Orange County, and that Gladys Bunker be 'appointed to serve as <br />Assistant Civil Defense Director. <br />Chairman Smith reported that he had mat with a representative group on Saturday, <br />April L~., 197D, at the Boliday Inn in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, for the purpose <br />of discussing the creation of a Council of Governments. He stated that he would <br />keep the Board informed as to the results of any future meetings. <br />The County Attorney advised the Board that the 1969 General Assembly did amend <br />the General Statutes by providing that the Board of Adjustments could have as many <br />members as the County Board of Cotrmiiasionera desired to appoint. The only <br />exception being that each area zoned must have representation on the Board of <br />Adjustment.. <br />The County Zoning Officer advised the Board that the term of George 7enkina, <br />member of the Board of Adjustments, expired o,n February 28, 1970, <br />Upon motion of Conaaisaioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was <br />moved and unanimously adopted that Marshall Link be appointed as a member of the <br />County Board of Adjustments £or a term of three years beginning as of April 6, 1970, <br />and that George Senkins be re-appointed as a member of th® County Board of <br />Adjustments for a term of three years to be reatroactive to the expiration data <br />of his previous term. <br />Chairman Smith announced that the public hearing scheduled for 11 o~clock A. M. <br />had been cancelled because of some technicality involving the legal requirements <br />relative to advertising. The Chairman directed the County Attorney to re-publish <br />the advertlaement with the announoement that the public hearing, relative to an <br />abandonment of a road, would be scheduled Por Monday, May 1{., 1970, at 11 o~alock A.M. <br />Vpon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted that Daniel Brady, David Hook and Dempsey Whitted be <br />appointed to the Orange County Human Relations Council. <br />Petitions for Secondary Road x'131-1.3 and Secondary Road #1330 were presented <br />and the Clerk was requested to forward same to the State Highway Commission. <br />