Orange County NC Website
tE 2GO MzNUT~s OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOOK ~ ~ ~ BOARD OF CDMMISSIONERS <br />March 2, 1970 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in regular aesaion at 10 <br />o~alock A. M, on Monday, March 2, 1970, in the Commiasioners~ Room of the Courthouse <br />in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith, and Cotmmissionera Harvey D. Bennett, <br />William C. Ray, Henry 3. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: None <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meetings and same were approved f <br />by the Board., <br />A delegation from Eno Townah~p wee present Por the meeting. <br />Discussion ensued relative to the proposed Zoning Ordinance. <br />Conanisaioner Henry Walker made the Pollowing statement: <br />"I believe that this is the toughest decision I~ve had to make since I <br />have been on the Board. I have friends on both aides and a aonsaience I must <br />live with all the time. I cannot help but feel there is more good in this <br />Ordinance than there is bad. <br />If and when 2 decide to run for any public office, the voters of Orange <br />County and Eno Township will have to vote their oonaoieace ea I will on this <br />matter". <br />Commissioner Harvey Sennett made the following statement: <br />"We have had a request Por coning and much opposition to the adoption <br />of zoning for the Eno Township for something lik® two months. I think we <br />should handle this matter today. <br />In order to get the issue before ua I would like to make a motion that <br />we approve the extension of County zoning to include Eno Township effective <br />upon its approval. <br />We have hear$ a lot of discussion and feeling expressed for zoning and <br />a lot of discussion and talk against zoning. <br />My analpais of the public hearing and a review of the partitions, both -~ <br />pro and con, convince me that the adoption of zoning in Eno Township is <br />urgently needed. <br />The present and projected growth and expansion for Fho Township only <br />adds to the need for some land use planning. <br />This 3a eapeaiallp true when you begin to sub-divide land into small <br />iota for residential purposes and commercial use. <br />In my opinion the extension of zoning to Eno Township will prow®, J.n <br />pears to some, to be of tremendous benefit, as it relates health, sanitation, <br />prevention of pollution, and inhancement of property values. <br />Based on the above, in the performance of mp duty as a County Commissioner <br />representing the people of Orange County, I can only vote for the adoption <br />of zoning for Eno Township". <br />Commissioner Ira Ward made the following statement: <br />"Mr. Chairman, I am going to vote for the adoption of zoning for Eno <br />Township. This has been a very controversi&1 subject for many pears and <br />mp decision was extremely hard to make. 2 say this because mp review of the <br />petitions presented, in this matter, has revealed a tremendous number of good <br />citizens on both aides of the fence. Ia mp opinion all oP them have acted <br />in good faith in trying to do what they thought was the beat for their area. <br />Likewise, many good citizens haven't signed indicating their position. <br />The following facts have entered mp thinking in reaching this decision: <br />It appears that the majority of the land in Eno is owned by the proponents, <br />as has been mentioned, and with the population growth and inareesad density <br />in the near future makes land use controls a necessity for the peoples <br />protection. Immediately Esat, Durham County hsa established zoning in the <br />entire county. To the South, Chapel Hill Township and twq townships in <br />Northern Chatham County have been zoned. The Town of Iillsborough has done <br />likewise. It, therefore, appears that virtually all areas that are participating <br />in substantial growth and expansion find that land use controls are vitally <br />needed to cope with the growth problems encountered. <br />I am pleased that Eno Township is enjoying its growth and feel that this <br />move will give it a substantial boost toward greater attainments". <br />