Orange County NC Website
BflpK `7 "r,6E 252.,'Ib'U`:ES CF TI',E GRANGE CCLZ"PY <br />BCt:R:: OF CGP,T~IISSIONERS <br />1'ebruary 2, 1970 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Crange County met in regular session at 10 <br />o'clock on IY-ond.ey, February 2, 1970, in the Commissioners room at the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />i~;embers Fressnt: Chairman Carl DT. Smith and Coram.isaioners Harvey D. Sennett, <br />William C. &ay, Henry S. Walker and lra A. Ward. <br />yiembers wbsent: None <br />Iv:inutes of the previous neetings were read and approved. <br />Chairman Smith recognized the following persons: <br />John ~1•ianning, Attorney of Chapel Hill, representing i~rs. T. S. Coils, owner <br />of property in Eno Township. :fir. I~lanning stated that his client was not in opposition <br />to the zoning of the township, but that he wanted to clarify their position relative <br />to said matter, in that, the proposed zoning Crdinance would have to be amended to <br />allo~~~ for the rock quarry located on said property and that he was hereby advising <br />the Board if such Crdinance w•as adopted that he would file a request for the re-zoning <br />of said property. <br />Travis Forter, attorney of Durham, representing the owners of Colonial 5fobile <br />Fork, stated that the map for the mobile home park had been filed in the Register of <br />Deeds cffice and that the developers oP this park had spent considerable money for <br />the proper planning of streets, water and sewerage and that if the proposed zoning <br />Crdinance was adopted his clients would request that their property be re-zoned <br />end that they did hereby request that no rectrcactive provision relative to mobile <br />homes be included in the zoning Crdinance. _ <br />C. B. 1'•odaon, AtLarney of Chapel I3i11, representing 'Millie Laws, property owner <br />in Eno township, stated that his client sad a number of other residents of the area <br />were circulating petitions in opposition to the zoning of Eno township, but that the <br />time between the public hear~,ng and the Board meeting was not sufficient for the <br />proper circulation of the petiticn. Mr. Hodson requested that the Board delay its <br />decision relative to the zoning of the township and requested that ample time be <br />allowed for the circulation of said petitions. Discussion ensued relative to b.r. "' <br />Hodson's request. <br />tti. Y. Manson, Attorney of Durhat;, representing W. R. Shambley and other <br />residents of Eno township, presented n petition which he said contained 67g signatures _. <br />in opposition to the zoning of Ero township. <br />Ector V'Jooda, property ownex of Eno township, stated he owned two mobile home <br />parks in the area. P,.°r. ~+oods pointed out that the persons who occupied these mobile <br />homes contributed, by way of personal property tax, to the economy of Orange County <br />and that a small percentage of these residents had children who attended Cranga County <br />schools, however, he was of the opinion that the personal property taxes paid far <br />exceeded the cost to the Ceunty for the education of these children. <br />Discussion ensued relative to the preference of the Boated as to the form of the <br />petitions, Mr. Manson sug.ested that the County provide forms for the opponents and <br />the proponents. Chairman ~mith stated that he was of the opinion that the petitions <br />should be prepared by the parties submitting same, however, he felt it would be <br />advantageous to the Board if the petitions did show whether or not the person signing <br />said petition was a property owner or was a renter. Comaisaioner Walker stated that <br />he would prefer that the amount of property owned by the signer of the petition be <br />given after the signature of said individual. Further discussion ensued. <br />James Karnodle, property owner oP Eno township, incuired as to the method which <br />could be used to void the zoning Ordinance if same was adopted by the Board. Chairman <br />Smith referred Nr. gernodle's inquiry to the County Attorney. <br />Mr. Cheshire advised :vir. Kernodle of the procedure necessary to adopt an <br />Crdinance and stated that local legislation would be required to nullify an adopted <br />Ordinance. <br />The matter of allowing, the residents of Eno township to vote an the question oP <br />zoning was raised. Chairman Smith advised the group that the 3enera'_ Statutes of <br />North Carolina spelled out the requirements for the adoption and/or refection of all <br />matters which, b,~ wag of petition, were presented to Boards of Comriissionars and <br />that the Crange•County Board would act on this matter according to the requirements <br />of the General Statutes. <br />J. D. (Doak) Griffin and other property owners of Eno township spoke in opposition <br />to said proposed zoning Crdinance. <br />