Orange County NC Website
~~? <br />r~;n,•i•F~ rrf rt~P a~ar~ oY r ~• G ^~ P..~,.,-,~.s---Csu~#3 ~a~da3~ aye-:e.7th1937 <br />The Board met ~t the-usual-Hour,present Commissioners,J.F..$anrer,Carl•T,Durram <br />and 5 Nathan. The minutes of the last meeting sere read and apprcved, <br />The m tter-of securing a suitable Location-for the Orange County Welfare Office,was- <br />breugh before the Boazd,and G.W ~tayd,H Graham and Geo.H Lawrence ~ hereby appoint <br />_ ell a C mmittee to obtain the most aulfable bocation for tY:e same, <br />In ord r to-keep all State Highway 1:aps sad Correspondence on file for referenee it is <br />orders that the Clerk to the Board secure a file for such purpose and that all such - <br />be kep on the said ills. <br />Dr.Ric atdsor~,County Eealth Officer submitted a detailed verbal report,on the general <br />Health work. <br />On mot on it is hereby ordered that Jessee Cole be-allowed"Ten.:.. dollars for the month <br />of Jun and B,F ?Loore,ef F.ilisboro,Rt.I- be 0.lIowed two dollars for the month of June <br />b oth f em the Outside poor list. <br />Oa mot cn,it is hereby ordered that F,I Brown be paid from the spedial dog tax fund <br />Cne an 50/IGG for one goat killed by dogs. <br />Tr.e Fa m Terracing reports for April and Il:ay submitted, tY,e April report showing recei <br />pts of "3C2.75 wits expenditures for labor repairs etc, ofwI79.I4 leaving a net balance <br />of ~I2 .6I and the lisy report shows- receipts of ~3I2~00 with an expense account of <br />~p305,0 leaving only a net profit of X6.98. <br />Aniss,G ace E-Holcombe home Demonstration Agent submitted a detailed report for the <br />maDbth ith as expense aecquat for materials of ~~.2.07 report approved and account order <br />ell nai~. <br />The application of GEOrge H Brown to retail Beer., at N_illcrest FiiIing Station on the <br />State ighway Pio IO,havirg been approved by Sheriff.S,T Latta Jr.~is hereby approved by <br />this Board. ' <br />G.'8 Ra County Accour"tant submitted his m~athly report of all Budget Appropriations, <br />the am ants used by each Department and the mmcuats unusJded as of June Is t- 1937, <br />also S eriff S;T Lattas report showing an uncollected balance on I936". taxes on June <br />Ist- o w28.544.25;bath reports annroved and ordered filed in proper report book, <br />e <br />lf,C B`.: t colored Farm Agent submitted a detaild reper~,same examined and apprcved <br />and cr~er-d filed in proper„ Sock <br />Tre Or~nge County Teifare Board submitted its report showing s total expenditures for <br />them th of Allay of ~44I.78, said report apprcved and ordered filed, <br />Tre fo lowing resolution after full discussdon was apprcved and of`dered to be made a <br />part o the minutes of thin meeting,to-wit: <br />'1:Hia~.F4S, tie Legislature of North Garclina at iia seg <br />ulcer S salon is I937,~asaed a local Act providing for n Tax Collector in Orange County,i, <br />and of er full and extensig@ discussion- and corsideraticn of this matter,it is now upon <br />motion of Commissioner Nathan,dvly seconded by Commissioner Durham, and unanimously past <br />sod, t at G.W Ray,be, and he is, hereby, a.,pcirted Tax Collector for Orange County far <br />a term of Oae year beginning on the firaL-Aionday in July,I937,and continuing until the ~ <br />first onday in July i938,or at such earlier date as.this Board may determine,It is fur'; <br />then ordered, that the said G.W ~ay as Tax Ccllector,of Orange County be, and he is ,here <br />by clothed v.ith aII the .,owers, autA*oritiee and duties provided by general Statute Law j <br />to Tax Collectors and especially aII of the grovisrons of the Act of I937 eFpplying to <br />I <br />Orange County Daly. <br />It_ is further ordered that said Tax Collector shall execute and del <br />liver a C;•~ange Covrty a bond-in some acceptable bond Ccr::pany doing business in the State <br />i <br />of For h Carolina ir. the amount of additional wI0,000,00,doilars, and the premium there; <br />i <br />en sha 1 be paid ast of the Salary fund cf of said Ccur.ty, <br />It is further ordered the said G.W Ray be authorized 9.nd <br />empov;e ed,tc appoint one De^uty Tax Collectdr, <br />