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BOJK .~ PAGE 24S <br />MINT7TES CF THE CRAN3E CCUNTY <br />BC!'.RD OF CCP~~2ISSIGP]ERS <br />January 29, 19'70 <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in adjourned session at 8 o'clock <br />P.'~. in the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina on Thursday, January 29, 19'70. <br />Members Present: Chairmen Carl M. Smith and Commissioners Harvey A. Bennett, <br />William C, Ray, Henry S, Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: None <br />Chairman Smith opened the meeting with the announcement that this was the tine <br />and place for a public hearing on the question oP the zoning of Eno Township and <br />that this meeting was being held in oompliance with the 3eneral Statutes of North <br />Carolina. <br />Chairman Smith stated that the meeting would be conducted in the following <br />manner: Fifteen minutes would be allocated to the proponents for presenting their <br />views and then fifteen minutes would be allocated to the opponents for presenting <br />their views and that this .procedure would be Pollowad throuNh out the meeting with a <br />recess period being declared after the first two hours of presentations and that the <br />second portion of the meeting would be conducted in a like manner as the first. <br />Chairman Smith recognized the following persons: <br />Marshall Spears, Attorney from Durham representing property owners in Eno Township, <br />stated that he recognized the matter of zoning was a highly emotional issue, however, <br />he felt the real issue at hand was the fact of what could be done to promote the <br />orderly development to the beat interest oP all property owners in Eno township. Mr. <br />Spears than recognized the following persons: <br />Don Cox identified himself as a non-resident of Eno township, but a property <br />owner of Eno township. i~Ir. Cox stated that he was of the opinion that zoning was <br />a tool which should be applied towards an orderly and economically lend use. <br />D, W, Warren. identified himself es a resident and land owner in Eno township. <br />He stated that he did support orderly growth, in order to provide clean unpolluted <br />land and unpolluted water for the benefit of future generations and that zoning was <br />a tool to implement these desired items. <br />Conway Browning. identified himself as a resident and property owner in Eno <br />township. lir. Browning stated that he was in favor .of the zoning proposal as it <br />afforded him an element of proteotion as well as a restriction on the use of hie <br />land. <br />Chairman Smith announaed that the first time period had expired and that the <br />proponents of the said zoning ordinance had used eighteen minutes, therefore, he <br />would allow the opponents to the zoning ordinance eighteen minutes in whiah to speak. <br />Chairman Smith recognized the following persona: <br />- A, B, Coleman, Jr,, Attorney oP Hillsborough, identified himself as representing <br />u. t"l, Kernodle, property owner of Eno township. Prr. Coleman stated the the zoning <br />proposal was an infringement on the basic liberties of our citizens, as well as <br />imposing a hardship on the poor element of our society. fe suggested that the Soard <br />of Commissioners place the question of zoning to a vote of the people of Eno township. <br />Chairman Smith announced that Mr, Coleman had used fourteen minutes of his <br />allocated time and in order to allocate equal time he wou?d deduct four minutes from <br />the next fifteen minute period allocated to the proponents end that they would have <br />eleven minutes to speak. <br />Chairman Smith recognized the following persons: <br />Ernest Johnson. identified himself as a resident of Crengewood Drive in Eno <br />township. He stated that he was speaking Por the residents of said drive and that <br />they all supported the zoning proposal. <br />Mrs. Katie Hooks. identified herself as being a resident of Colonial Hills <br />~~obile Home Court in :ono township. Mra. Hooks commented on the poor conditions <br />of navy mobile home parks placing specific emphasis on the small size of the mobile <br />home lots. She stated further that the proposed ordinance was nat perfect, but <br />that she hoped the Board would adopt the ordinance. <br />