Minutes - 19700105
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19700105
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MINCmES OF THE ORANGE COIINTY $90K ~ PACE 243 <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />January s, 1970 <br />The Board of Commiasionera of Orange County met in regular session on <br />Monday, January s, 1970, at 10:00 o'clock A.M, in the Co:maiasconers Room at <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith and Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, <br />William C. Ray, Henry S. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: Nape <br />Minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. <br />Commissioner Ward reported that the North Carolina National Bank had oPPered <br />the use of a office facility for the License Examiners Office, which building is <br />located in Carrboro, at no coat to either the County or the City. Mr. Ward <br />stated that he assumed that this arrangement would last until such time as the <br />bank needed the office space. <br />Chairman Smith recognized Mra. Lana Moore and representatives of the <br />Hillsborough Historical Society. Mrs. Moore stated that the group had learned <br />that the County wee proposing to cut two hemlock trees which are located in front <br />of the old courthouse. Mrs. Moore asked why the trees were to be removed. <br />Chairman Smith stated that he had no knowledge of such a proposal and then requested <br />the County Administrator to explain the actuation to the members of the Board <br />and to the representatives. Mr. Gattis stated that the trees were blocking the <br />view of the colonial building and that one of the trees had grown to such a height <br />that it cnterferred with the flagpole and that he had considered replacing the <br />hemlocks with another type of tree. Discussion ensued relative to the advantages <br />of retaining the hemlocks. Chairman Smith advised the repreaentatcvea that the <br />Board would look into the matter. <br />Cache Boggs, Dog Warden, submitted reports on the dog program for the years of <br />1967, 1968 and 1969. <br />The County Administrator introduced Joseph Ward, Route 1, Mebane, North <br />Carolina. Mr. Ward stated that in 1961 he obtacned a loan from First Savings & <br />Loan Association in Mebane and that the Savings & Loan 9asooiation paid the 1961 <br />taxes and that he had assumed that the Savings & Loan Association was paying his <br />County tales until he received his 196q tax bill. He stated that the penalty <br />and interest on his taxes amounted to $1,?1~.9.66. He requested that the Board <br />remove a portion of the percentage oP penalty from his tax bill. Discussion <br />ensued relative to Mr. Ward's reason for not paying his taxes. Chairman Smith <br />advised lax. Ward that the Board would take cation bn his request and notify him as <br />to their decision. <br />-._ - 'Wiley Perry, representative of the Orange-Alamance Water Syst®m, Inc, and <br />Lawrence Alley, Engineer, ware recognized by Chairman Smith. Mr. Perry stated that <br />the Orange-Alamance Water System, Inc. wanted to conduct a feasibility study of <br />sewerage needs for the Efland-Cheeks community, but the funds for such a study <br />ware not available from the Orange-Alamance Water System, Inc. He requested that <br />the County assist in this project by making available the funds for said survey. <br />Chairman Smith inquired of Mr. Alley the approximate cost figure for said survey. <br />Mr. A11ey stated he would estimate the approximate coat far said study, to be <br />$L},500.00. Chairman Smith advised Mr. Perry that the Board must consult with the <br />County Attorney relative to statutory authority before any decision could be <br />~, <br />reached. <br />C. W. Davis, Orange County's representative on the Resource & Conservation <br />Development Commission,invited the members of the Board and their wives to attend <br />a Commission dinner meeting which had been scheduled at Elon College on Monday, <br />January 12, 1970. <br />Marshall Cates, Chairman Orange County Board of Elea tiona, presented a <br />"Voter's Handbook" to each Board member. A review of a pertain portion of the <br />book was undertaken. Discussion ensued relative to the residency requirements <br />for students. Chairman Cates explained the Election Board's position relative <br />to this requirement and said that difficulties were encountered beaauae this <br />was an individual choice of the student as to whether or not he considered Orange <br />County as his resident county. Mr. Cates thanked the Board of Commissioners for <br />their cooperation cn establishing the Eleatcon office and for the aonaideration <br />given to other areas relative to the election office. <br />fem.-. <br />C. W. Davis brought to the attention of the Board that project ,101 as <br />included in the Resource & Conservation Development Commissions program wee a <br />sewerage proposal for the area Weat of Hillsborough. Mr. Davin stated that the <br />purpose 3n oalling this to the Board's attention was to inquire if the Board <br />wished to change the priorities as established in the Resource & Conservation <br />Development program. This would mean that the project which involved the <br />reservoir on Seven Mile Creak could b® placed below the sewerage project thus <br />allowing the sewerage project to become a priority project. The Board informed <br />Mr. Davis that they had no desire to change the priorities o#' the Resource <br />Conservation & Development's program. <br />
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