Orange County NC Website
.' ?AUE -1 13 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ward, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, it <br />was moved that the Board approve the establishment of a Regional Housing <br />Authority in conjunction with Chatham County. Further discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Ward with the consent of Commissioner Bennett withdrew his <br />motion with the understanding that said matter would be acted upon at the <br />February 10th meeting. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was <br />adjourned to meet again on Monday, February 10, 1969, at 7:3Q P.M. in the <br />Commissioners room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough. ---- <br />Carl M. Smith, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />February 10, 1969 <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, met in <br />adjourned session at the County Courthouse, in the Commissioners Room, Hillsborough, <br />North Carolina, at 7:30 P.' M. on Monday, February 10, 1969. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith, and Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, <br />William C. Ray, Ira A. Ward and Henry S. Walker. <br />Absent: None <br />This meeting was held for the purpose of hearing Alex Brock, Executive <br />Secretary, State Board of Elections, Dr. Wilm6r':S.Cody, Superintendent of the <br />Chapel Hill School Board and Paul Alston, Executive Director of the Joint Orange- <br />Chatham Community Action Program. <br />The following persons were present representing various organizations: <br />Paul Snyder, Town of Chapel Hill, Frances and Tom Shetley, Carrboro Precinct, <br />Betty June Hayes, Democratic Party, Mrs. Bobbie Strickland, West Hillsborough <br />Precinct, Mrs. Margaret Misch, Citizens Committee for Chapel Hill Schools, <br />Florie Glasser and Mrs. H. S. Willis, League of Women Voters, Edna Hayes, Pat <br />Lamb and Anne Miller, interested citizens. <br />Marshall Cates, Jr., Chairman, Orange County Board of Elections, Shelton <br />Sparrow and Mrs. Elaine Wallace, members of the Orange County Board of Elections <br />were present. Chairman Cates introduced Alex Brock who explained the procedures <br />necessary for the establishment of a permanent registration of voters office in <br />the county. Mr. Brock stated that he felt the General Assembly would enact a <br />bill which would make mandatory a permanent registration system for each county. <br />A question and answer session ensued. <br />The Board of Commissioners requested that the Board of Elections proceed <br />with the preparation of a budget, which would be presented at budget time, as to <br />the establishment of a permanent registration office for the county. <br />The County Administrator reported to the Board that the Commissioners, which <br />were appointed by the Clerk of Court for the appraisal of the W. M. Bright property, <br />in the condemnation proceedings had awarded Mr. Bright $1250.00 for the right of <br />way being secured by Orange County for the sewerage line. <br />Chairman Smith read a copy of a letter from Dr. Wilmer,S.Cody, Superintendent <br />of the Chapel Hill School Board. Said letter requested a $100,000 appropriation <br />for additional construction to the Grey Culbreth High School.