Orange County NC Website
MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />May 1,, 1967 <br />BOOK <br />6 FACE 593 <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, met in <br />regular session at the County Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina, the <br />regular place of meeting, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on May 1, 1967. <br />Present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, and Commissioners William C. Ray, <br />Ira A. Ward and Henry S. Walker. <br />Absent: Commissioner Carl M. Smith. <br />The minutes were read and approved after correction was made in the minutes of <br />the meeting held on April 19, 1967. <br />Dr. Frank McCormick of the Department of Biology of the University of North <br />Carolina presented the following=petition: <br />"April 26, 1967 <br />T0: The County Commissioners of Orange County, N. C. <br />As concerned citizens, we, the undersigned, would like to express our strong <br />opposition to mining or smelting activities of any kind in orange County, particular y. <br />those of the Texas Gulf Sulfur Corporation. Company assurances to the contrary, bes <br />available scientific evidence indicates that strip mining and/or smelting would <br />cause permanent damage to the natural resources of the county. In view of Texas <br />Gulf Sulfur's clever timing in making public its interest in the purchase of mining <br />sites in this county, so close to the adjournment of the state legislature, and <br />directly subsequent to the countywide zoning election which could have prevented thi , <br />action must be taken immediately. <br />Therefore, we strongly urge that you take all action necessary to exclude strip <br />mining and smelting activities from this county by any or all of the following: <br />1) A reconsideration of zoning at the county and local levels. <br />2) The establishment of ecologically sound minimum standards with regard to ai <br />and water pollution levels, including strong penalties for violation of <br />these standards. <br />3) The requirement that any mining concern post a bond in sufficient amount <br />to cover the cost of reclaiming the land and maintaining the roads-in this <br />area, so that such cost does not fall on the taxpayers of this county." <br />Said petition had been circulated by students and other interested persons <br />associated with Dr. McCormick's department. Chairman Bennett accepted the petition <br />for the Board of Commissioners. <br />Dr. McCormick stated that he was opposed to mining operations being developed <br />in Orange County as the damage to the life cycle in the area would be greatly <br />impaired.and that the land could not be reclaimed or repaired for a period from <br />seventy-five to one hundred years. He suggested that if any mining industry does <br />locate in the county that a detail study be made of the condition of animal and plan <br />life as well as a study of the physical condition of the area prior to the start of <br />any mining operation. These studies would assist in the future assessment of damage <br />and reclaimation of the land. <br />The following road petition was presented and the clerk was requested to forwar <br />same to the State Highway Commission: <br />SR #1566 <br />Thomas A. Rose advised the Board that bids for the Lake Orange project could <br />be let sometime by the middle of May. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Ward, and unanimously <br />adopted, J. W. Dunsmore was appointed as a member to the Carrboro Planning Board for <br />a term of two years and Aubrey Harward was appointed as a member to the Carrboro <br />Board of Adjustments for a term of two years. <br />The County Accountant advised the Board that Duke Power Company had submitted <br />a memorandum relative to Service Risers in conjunction with the residential customer <br />in the installation of said service risers. The clerk was requested to write all <br />the electrical contractors in the County and to enclose a copy of the Duke Power <br />Company memorandum. Action on said memorandum was deferred until, the May 11th <br />meeting. <br />The following Blind Aid Grants were approved: <br />AID TO THE BLIND AGENDA <br />May 1, 1967 <br />NAME EFF. DATE AMOUNT REASON <br />NEW <br />Rachel Pippin 6-1-67 34.00 Transferred from APTD <br />i-