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<br />April 17, 1967
<br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, met in
<br />adjourned regular session at the County Courthouse in Hillsborough, the regular
<br />place of meeting, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., April 17, 1967.
<br />Present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett and Commissioners William C. Ray and
<br />Henry S. Walker. ,
<br />Absent: Commissioners Carl M. Smith and Ira A. Ward.
<br />Also present: Betty June Hayes, Register of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of the
<br />Board of Commissioners.
<br />The Chairman announced that this was the date and hour fixed by motion duly
<br />made and carried by the Board on April 31 1967 for the public hearing upon the
<br />order passed on first reading by the Board on April 3, 1967, entitled:
<br />and that the Board would immediately hear any and all citizens and taxpayers who
<br />might desire to protest against the issuance of said bonds.
<br />No citizen or taxpayer of the County appeared, either in person or by
<br />attorney, to protest against the issuance of any of said bonds, and the Clerk
<br />announced that no protest in writing, signed by any citizen or taxpayer, had been
<br />presented.
<br />Thereupon, upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ray
<br />and carried, the order introduced and passed on first reading on April 3, 1967
<br />entitled: "ORDER'AUTHORIZING $3,000,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS", was read a
<br />second time and placed upon its final passage. The vote upon the final passage
<br />of said order was:
<br />Ayes: Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, William C. Ray and Henry S. Walker.
<br />Noes: none
<br />The Chairman then announced that the order entitled: "ORDER AUTHORIZING
<br />$3,000,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS" has passed.
<br />The Clerk was thereupon directed to publish said order in The News of Orange
<br />County, once in each of two successive weeks, and to publish at the foot of said
<br />order the appended note as required by The County Finance Act, as amended.
<br />Thereupon Commissioner Ray introduced the following resolution which was
<br />read:
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange:
<br />Section 1. A special bond election is hereby called to be held on Tuesday,
<br />May 239 1967, between 6:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, at
<br />which there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Orange County the
<br />following question:
<br />Shall an order finally passed on April 17, 1967, authorizing the County
<br />of Orange, North Carolina, to contract a debt, in addition to any and all
<br />other debt which said County may now or hereafter have power or authority
<br />to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue School Building Bonds in an
<br />aggregate principal amount not exceeding $3,000,000 for the purpose of
<br />providing funds, with any other available funds, for erecting additional
<br />school buildings and other school plant facilities, remodeling, enlarging
<br />and reconstructing existing school buildings and other school plant
<br />facilities and acquiring necessary land and equipment therefor to provide
<br />additional school facilities in the County of Orange to maintain the six
<br />months' school term in said County as required by Section 3 of Article
<br />IX of the Constitution, and authorizing the levy and collection of a
<br />sufficient tax for the payment of the principal of and the interest on
<br />said bonds, be approved?
<br />beginning Saturday,
<br />day during such
<br />. Saturday, May
<br />Board of
<br />Orange County at
<br />e the election
<br />ubstantially as
<br />
<br />said County shall be used and such books shall be open for the re
<br />gist-ration of voter
<br />not theretofore registered from 9 A.M. until sunset on each day,
<br />April 29, 1967 and closing Saturday, May 13, 1967. On each Satur
<br />registration period such books shall be open at the polling places
<br />20, 1967, shall be Challenge Day.
<br />Section 2. For said election the regular registration books for elections in
<br />Section 3. The Register of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of th
<br />the
<br />Commissioners shall cause a notice-to be published in The News of
<br />least thirty days before the election, and thereafter ttaice before
<br />at intervals of at least one week between publications,.reading s
<br />follows:
<br />111-1
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