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There being no further business to come before the Board said meeting was <br />adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, January 25, 1967, at 7:30 o'clock p.m, in <br />the gymnasium of the Chapel Hill High School. <br />Harvey D. Bennett <br />Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />(Public Hearing) <br />January 25, 1967 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session on Wednesday, <br />January 252 1967, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the gymnasium of the Chapel Hill High <br />School. <br />Members present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioners Carl M. Smith, <br />Henry S. Walker, Ira A. Ward and William C. Ray. <br />Members absent: None <br />Chairman Bennett announced that this meeting was being held in compliance with <br />the General Statutes of North Carolina for the purpose of holding a public hearing <br />on the proposed Draft #7 of the Chapel Hill Township Ordinance dated August 31, 1966. <br />The following persons were introduced by Chairman Bennett: C. T. Kaylor, <br />Chairman of the Planning Board, and Harry Palmer, Secretary of the Planning Board. <br />Chairman Bennett announced that the Honorable A. H. Graham, County Attorney, <br />had been designated by the Board of Commissioners to act as Presiding Officer for <br />said public hearing and that S. M. Gattis, County Administrator, had been designated <br />by the Board of Commissioners to act as Clerk for said public hearing. <br />A. H. Graham, Presiding Officer, assumed the Chairmanship of said hearing and <br />announced that the following rules of procedure, as approved by the Board of <br />Commissioners, were to be the policy for conducting said public hearing. They were: <br />1. That a one hour presentation period would be allocated to the proponents of <br />the proposed Draft #7 of the Chapel Hill Township Ordinance and that a one hour <br />presentation period would be allocated to the opponents of the proposed Draft #7 <br />of the Chapel Hill Township Ordinance. <br />2. That a period of fifteen minutes would be allocated to the proponents and <br />to the opponents for rebuttal presentations. <br />. 3. That a Chairman be selected as the representative and spokesman for each <br />group. <br />Harold R. Roberts of Jones Perry Road, Chapel Hill, N. C., was named as Chairman <br />for the proponents and A. B. Coleman, Jr., Attorney, of Hillsborough, N. C., was <br />named as Chairman for the opponents. <br />Chairman Graham recognized Mr. Roberts. Mr. Roberts made his presentation in <br />favor of the proposed zoning ordinance and cited many benefits it would afford the <br />citizens of the Chapel Hill Township community areas. He then presented to the <br />hearing the following persons who made statements urging the adoption of the proposed <br />Draft #7 of the Chapel Hill Township Zoning Ordinance. Those persons were: <br />Delois O'Daniel of the Jones Perry Road Community <br />Mrs. Mary Brandon of the Poplar Hills Community <br />Robert Lester of the Cedar Grove Community <br />Furman Herring of the Poplar Hills Community <br />John Wilson of the Union Grove Community <br />Richard Walker of the Timberlake Estates Development <br />Jim Grizzle of the Damascus Church Community <br />Newton Fischer of Airport Road, Chapel Hill, N. C. <br />Logan Ervin of Jones Ferry Road, Chapel Hill, N. C. <br />A. J. Altemueller of the Homestead Community <br />Mr. Altemueller introduced the following persons from the Homestead Community <br />and these persons spoke in favor of the Chapel Hill Township Zoning Ordinance. They <br />were: Henry Hogan, Watts Scott, Charles Johnson, Mrs. John Kepley and Randy Williams. <br />Mr. Altemueller stated that C. X. Tilson and Eugene Blackwood, both of the Homestead <br />Community, favored said ordinance but were unable to attend this hearing. <br />Mr. Roberts recognized Mrs. Mary Scroggs, member of the Chapel Hill School