Orange County NC Website
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, <br />March 7, 1966, at ten o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Room at the Courthouse <br />in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioners Gordon B. <br />Cleveland, William C. Ray, Carl M. Smith and Henry S. Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. <br />Max Kennedy, Chairman of the Industrial Sub-committee of the Orange County <br />o.E.D.P., presented to Chairman Bennett the following letter. <br />"We, the Industrial Sub-committee of the Orange County O.E.D.P. in our efforts <br />to be of assistance in the procurement and expansion of industry in Orange County, <br />realize that of the critical needs for such procurement and expansion, water is of <br />prime concern. <br />The most generous offer of the necessary land without cost by certain <br />individuals for development of a lake on the east fork of the Eno River is an <br />opportunity for Orange County to enhance greatly its attraction for industry and <br />individual alike. <br />Therefore, we wish to express our endorsement for this plan, to <br />expeditiously as possible, with the recommendation that an effort be made to obtain <br />an agreement from the town of Hillsborough concerning the processing of this water. <br />Thanking you for the opportunity to express this endorsement, we remain." <br />The following road petitions were presented and the Clerk was authorized to <br />forward same to the State Highway Commission. <br />1. Road #1953 (Wildcat Creek Road) <br />2. Hunter Road <br />The following department officials presented reports for the month of <br />February, 1966. <br />Clerk of Court <br />Veterans Service Officer <br />Tom Watkins was present to discuss the addition of Jones Grove Church Road to <br />the State Highway System. Mr. Watkins was advised to secure a road petition and <br />submit same for approval. <br />The following letter from Williard S. Swiers, Superintendent of the Chapel Hil <br />Schools, was read: <br />"In presenting the capitol outlay budget for 1965-66, the Chapel Hill Board of <br />Education included as a line item funds for construction of classrooms at the Frank <br />Porter Graham School. The money appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners <br />in the amount of $75,000 has not been encumbered due to delay in approval of projec <br />plans. <br />In view of the fact that the funds are presently not committed and the <br />likelihood of their being committed soon is small, the Chapel Hill Board of £ducatic <br />requests permission of the Board of Commission to use a portion of the appropriated <br />money to purchase sites for elementary schools." <br />Discussion ensued. The County Accountant was requested to call Dr. Swiers and <br />advise him to make a request involving a definite sum of money in order that the <br />Board might be better informed before taking any action of said request. <br />Dr. Maynard Adams representative from the Committee of the Joint Orange-Chathan <br />Community Action, Inc. requested that the agency be re-organized. He stated that <br />only one agency in the county was eligible to receive funds under the Economic <br />Opportunity Act. Discussion ensued. <br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Cleveland, seconded by <br />Commissioner Smith, and unanimously adopted: <br />"We, the Orange County Commissioners, recognize the Joint Orange-Chatham <br />Community Action, Inc., in conjunction with the Orange Commission on Economic <br />Opportunity, Inc., as the approved community action agency to receive and to <br />disburse funds for anti-poverty programs in orange County under the provisions of <br />Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (P. L. 88-452), and as it may be amended from <br />time to time."