Orange County NC Website
431 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, <br />February 7, 1966, at ten o'clock a.m. in the Commissionersi Room at the courthouse <br />in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioner Gordon B. Cleveland, <br />William C. Ray, Carl M. Smith and Henry S. Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved by the Board. <br />John M. Hawkins was spokesman for a group of citizens from the Cedar Grove <br />area. They presented a petition and survey of roads which bed been made by a citizens <br />committee and the Ruritan Club of Cedar Grove. The petition requested paving for <br />roads designated as.SR #1507, #1001, #1546, #1506, #1332, and up-grading drainage <br />and improving for roads designated as SR #1503, #1500, #1368, #1360 and1340. The <br />Clerk was requested to forward said petition and survey to the State Highway <br />Commission. <br />A road petition for paving of road designated as SR #1350 and #1343 (known <br />locally as Cedar Grove-Mebane Road or Bob Walker Road) was submitted by Commissioner. <br />Ray. The Clerk was instructed to forward said petition to the State Highway <br />Commission. <br />Chairman Bennett presented to the Board a letter from Thomas D. Cooper, Jr., <br />Solictor for District 10-A. Mr. Cooper requested that the Board consider the <br />appointment of an attorney to act as Assistant District Solictor for the County of <br />Orange under the provisions of N. C. General Statutes 7-43.1 to 7-43.3• Mr. Cooper <br />stated further that his request is occasioned by the fact that the criminal docket <br />for Orange Superior Court has increased to such an extent that it has become <br />unwieldly. The letter noted that this matter bad been discussed with the County <br />Attorney and with James Harper of Chapel Hill, and that Mr. Harper had agreed to <br />accept such a position if offered to him, <br />Discussion ensued. The Board request the County Administrator to meet with <br />the County Attorney, the Clerk of Court, the Sheriff and Mr. Harper in order that <br />data which would give the Board additional information pertaining to the operation <br />of the criminal courts and the financial expenses involved in making such an <br />appointment might be established.. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the Defined Service Program which the State Board <br />of Welfare is considering instituting throughout the State for O.A.A. and A.P.T.D. <br />Programs. Mr. Ward explained that such a program was yet to be adopted but that he <br />felt Orange County should be prepared to take advantage of same if the State Board <br />of Welfare decided to make available these services. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Ray, and unanimously <br />adopted, the Orange County Welfare Board was authorized to accept the Defined Services <br />Program if some is instituted by the State Welfare Board. <br />Chairman Bennett was authorized by a motion duly made and seconded to sign <br />the following Blind Aid Grants: <br />REVISION <br />Name Eff. Date Amount Reason <br />Lucille 1. Macklin ?3=1=SS? 5 to 9 795-nge in living arrangements <br />Olin S. Taylor 3-1-77 13 to 18 New living arrangements <br />Nevie W. Lloyd 3-1-66 76 to 73 Decreased medical cost <br />Merish Wilson, 3-1-66 38 to 32 Decreased medical costs <br />Gdn, for Bart A. Wilson <br />Matilda Pickett <br />SAME <br />1477M <br />G. Paul Carr, Supt, of the Orange County School Unit, Members of the Orange <br />County School Board and Frank Giles presented to the Board of Commissioners their <br />school project and amended budget which had been prepared in accordance to The <br />Elementary and Secondary Education Act under Title I Public Law 89-10. This project <br />and amended budget was outlined by Mr. Giles. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Ray, the amended <br />budget for the Orange County School Unit as prepared in accordance with The Elementary <br />and Secondary Education Act under Title I Public Law 89-10 was unanimously adopted, <br />Chairman Bennett brought to the attention of both Boards that the term of Giles <br />Long on the A.B.C. Board would be expiring in February. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by School Board. Member John Hawkins, <br />Giles Long was re-appointed as a member of the A.B.C. Board for a three (3) year <br />term. This term is to become effective immediately upon the expiration of Mr. Long's <br />present term. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Walker, the following <br />persons were named as members of the Colony Woods Fire District: Lloyd W. Regier, <br />George A. Coltrane and Ben F. Loeb, Jr.