Orange County NC Website
429 <br />Discussion ensued concerning the position of Veterans service officer for <br />Orange County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved <br />and adopted, that W. W. Wrenn be appointed as veterans Service officer. <br />There being no further business to come before the meeting, same was adjourned. <br />Harvey Bennett <br />Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes <br />Clerk <br />------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------- <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD <br />OF COMMISSIONERS <br />January 4, 1966 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, Janua <br />4, 1966 at ten o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners room at the courthouse in Hillsborou <br />Members Presdnt: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioners William C. Ray, Henry <br />Walker-and.-Carl M. Smith. <br />Members absent: Commissioner Gordon B. Cleveland. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray and duly seconded, the Clerk was authorized to <br />dispense with the reading of the minutes for the meetings held during the month of <br />December, 1965. <br />Dr. Stephen Vogler of Route 2, Durham, N. C., was spokesman for a group of <br />citizens from the Murphy.School area. The group requested that the Board recommend to <br />the State Highway Commission that the portion of $R.#1716, which was not included in <br />the proposed 1965-1966 Secondary Road Program, be paved instead of the portion which <br />was slated for paving. Their request was based on a survey which concluded,that more <br />citizens of the area would be served by the changing of the paving program. Chairman <br />Bennett informed the group that the Board could not recommend that the proposal for <br />paving be changed but advised Dr. Vogler that a petition should be submitted requesting <br />the addition of the .3 of a mile to the already accepted section of Sr #1716. <br />H. B. McFarland of Rt. 1, Box 174, Durham, N. C., presented a petition for the <br />abandoment of SR #1735 known locally as the Mary Markham Road. The Clerk was instructs <br />'to forward said petition to the State Highway Commission. <br />Discussion ensued concerning SR #1306 known locally as the Old State Coach Road <br />or Dr. Charles Blake's Road. Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, and unanimously adopted, The Clerk to the Board was instructed to notify the <br />State Highway Commission that the Board of Commissioners recommended that SR #1306 <br />be either opened for public use or abandomed as per the request of the property owners. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved, <br />and unanimously adopted, that the road located at the south end of Margaret Lane and <br />presently being known as an unamed street be named Margaret Lane Extension. <br />The following road petitions were received and the Clerk was requested to forward <br />same to the State Highway Commission. <br />1. McBroom Road <br />2. Woodcrest Drive <br />The following Department officials presented reports for the month of December, <br />1965. <br />Veterans Service Officer <br />Welfare Director <br />Thomas M. Ward, Welfare Director, discussed with the Board a request which has be <br />received from Robert Fields. This request ask that the Orange County Welfare Board s <br />and thereby assume responsibility for Respirator Equipment needed by the petitioner's <br />wife, Dorothy Harris Fields. Mrs. Fields is a polio victim, and cannot be moved from <br />North Carolina Memoriel Hospital without the Respirator Equipment. The hospital will <br />not release the equipment until some public agency signs to accept the responsibility <br />of maintenance and other needed items. <br />The Board advised Mr. Ward to continue his efforts to have Rockingham County <br />accept this responsibility as Mrs. Fields is a native of that county. <br />The yearly annual report from the Farm Extension Service was presented by Ed. <br />Barnes, Farm Agent, Mrs. Elizabeth Mildeau, Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Jane <br />Hill, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, and Sherman Shelton, Negro Farm Agent.