Minutes - 19650802
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19650802
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The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, August 2, 19659 <br />Taatt 10:00 o'clock A.M., in the Commissioners Room in the Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Harvey D..Bennett, Commissioners William C. Ray, and Henry S. <br />Walker.. <br />Members absent: commissioners Gordon B. Cleveland and Carl M. Smith. <br />The minutes of Juiy 6, July 7, and July 19, 1965 were read and approved. <br />The Clerk presented to the Board a State RighwV Map which shoved the relocation of Project <br />W06502098 (Route SR1780, known locally as Estes Drive--Carrboro). The Clerk was authorised to post <br />said map and to sign the certificate submitted by the State Highway Commission for said relocation <br />of Project W06502098. <br />Chairman Bennett read a letter from Thomas D. Cooper, Jr., District Solicitor. Said letter <br />requested that the Board of Gandosioners approve a Special Session of the Superior Court of Orange <br />County for the week of October 11, 1965 for the trial of State vs. Frank J. Rinaldi. Mr. Cooper <br />stated the following reason for requesting the said Special Term: <br />"Due to the number of persons confined in Orange County jail awaiting trial, it <br />appears impossible to process this case and the jail cases during the two weeks <br />of Criminal Court regularly scheduled for the Fall of this year." <br />Upon motion of commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker and unanimously adopted, <br />Thomas D. Cooper, District Solicitor, was authorized to proceed with arrangements for a Special <br />Term of Orange County Superior Court for the week of October 32, 1965, for the trial of Frank J. <br />Rinaldi. The funds for said Special Term are to be taken from the Emergency Fund. <br />Commissioner Ray reported to the Board that the Welfare Board had discussed the proposed plan <br />of opening a surplus food warehouse and store in the Chapel Hill area. He stated that <br />personnel Welfare <br />would <br />Board had approved this action upon the condition that the employment of <br />not be required and that no additional expense would be incurred other than the rent required. <br />The Board of Commissioners authorized the Welfare Board to further investigate the types of <br />buildings which could be used for a surplus food warehouse and store and the amount of rent required <br />for said building. <br />Chairman Bennett read the following Memorandum to the Board: <br />"TO: COUNTY COMMISSICNEBS <br />FROM. D. S. COLTRANE, CHAIRMAN <br />N. C. GOOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL <br />GUIDELINES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COUNTYWIDE GOOD NFIGHBOa OR HUMAN RELATIONS COUNCILS <br />PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COUNCIL <br />1. To promote peaceful relations between the races <br />2. To promote understanding, respect, and good will among all citizens <br />3. To provide channels of communication <br />4. To promote positive action programs <br />5. To provide equality of opportunity for all citizens <br />6. To promote the employment of qualified people without regard to race <br />7. To encourage youth to became trained and qualified for employment <br />8. To enlist the assistance and cooperation of all city, town and county <br />officials; in fact, all aegmentar of the population in the attainment of <br />the purposes and objectives of the Council <br />WHY SHOULD THESE PROBI MS BE A CONCERN OF COUNTY GOVEROM7 <br />Many changes are occurring and no one can suggest an overall formula to cope with <br />them; however, cities and counties have a special opportunity to provide the machinery <br />for an official human relations organisation-to deal with them in a democratic frame- <br />work. City and County governments are closest to the people and there are many aspects <br />of intergroup relations which can be dealt with only at the local level. <br />The city and town organizations that were established by the Mayors in 1963 have <br />served well; however, there are new problems that concern the entire community. Some <br />of the city's or town's responsibilities stop at the city or town line, but its citi- <br />zens, its workers, its resources, and its problems flow back and forth in the cease- <br />Iwo traffic of the entire community or county. There are, however, rural communities <br />that do not participate in the cultural and civic responsibilities of the city or town. <br />The establishment of a county-wide Human Relations or Good Neighbor Council by <br />the Board of County Commissioners will set an official tone--a public policy signifying <br />that the power structure of the county is concerned and coated to peaceful, rational <br />and affirmative solutions to all recial problems.
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