<br />Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners
<br />June 28, 1965
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday, June 28, 1965, at
<br />7:30 o'clock P.M., in the Commissioners Room in the Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C.
<br />Members present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioners Gordon S. Cleveland, William C.
<br />Say, Henry 3-Walker and Carl M. Smith.
<br />Members absent: None.
<br />The principal purpose of this meeting was to hear presentations of annual budget requests of
<br />the Orange County and Chapel Hill Boards of Education.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Cleveland, and unanimously adopted,
<br />Frank Umstead was appointed to the Greater Chapel Hill Planing Board for a term of three years.
<br />Commissioner Cleveland moved that the following resolution, prepared by the County Attorney,
<br />be-adopted,
<br />WHEREAS, Claude Mayes is deceased and was a recipient of old age assis-
<br />tance and caused to be placed thereby on his property an Old Age Assistance
<br />Lien in favor of the County; and whereas, the only heir at law of Claude Mayes,
<br />Iretta H. Mayes Crocker, has given a quitclaim deed to the County for the prop-
<br />arty formerly owned by her father, the description of said property being
<br />set forth in said deed recorded in Deed Book 202 at page 117, Orange County
<br />Registry: and
<br />ViEREAS, said property should be sold at public auction and the pro-
<br />ceeds thereof applied to payment of the Old Age Assistance Lien on said Pro-
<br />perty:
<br />NOW, THER-Tc' ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Attorneys be author-
<br />ized and directed to sell the property described in Deed Book 202 at page 117,
<br />at public auction, said property being approximately one acre and that the
<br />proceeds of said sale be applied to payment of said lien in accordance with law.
<br />Commissioner Cleveland's motion was seconded by Commissioner Ray, and the above resolution was unan-
<br />imously adopted.
<br />Howard Thompson presented the proposed annual budget of the. Chapel Hill City Board of Education.
<br />This propcsed budget called for a 20¢ supplementary tax levy wbich was estimated to yield $167,040,
<br />and a per capita appropriation of $185,891 from the county. These sums and other miscellaneous
<br />revenue would finance a total current expense budget of $406,141.62.
<br />Mr. Thompson also presented a capital outlay budget of $1,794,230, which would req,iire
<br />$428,500 in county funds.
<br />Members of the Chapel Hill Board of Education and ?Millard Swiera, the new Superintendent of
<br />the Chapel Hill school system, accompanied Mr. Thompson and assisted in the presentation.
<br />G. P. Carr, Superintendent of the Orange County Schools, and members of the Orange County
<br />Board of Education, presented the current expense and capital outlay budgets of the county school
<br />system. The current expense budget of $256,037 would be financed by a county appropriation of
<br />3200,125 and miscellaneous revenue of $55,911.96. The capitol outlay budget of $251,100 must be
<br />financed wholly from county funds.
<br />The 3card of Commissioners discussed with both school boards their proposed budgets in detail.
<br />for herBett June Hayes, Register of Deeds appeared before the Board and presented the proposed budget
<br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to meet
<br />again at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, June 29, 1965.
<br />Harvey D. Bennett, Chairman
<br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk
<br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk