Orange County NC Website
~ ~ ~ CORLEY REDFOOT ZACK I~. <br /> :\ R C FI I T E C T S H ~' G I N E 8 R 5 P L A N N E R S <br />April l~, ~~~~ <br /> Orange COUnty tJOVe[nnlellt Serv1CBS <br />GLENN D, CORL GY, AlA <br /> ceo <br />P. O. Box 8181 <br /> Hillsborough, NC 27278-8181 <br />KENNCiH E, REDFOOT, AIA <br />vice rresideut ATTN: Ms. Pam .tones <br />MARK ZACK, AIA <br />vice rm.iifeul RE: Request for Proposal for West Ten Soccer Center <br />MICHAEL L, HAMMERSL EY, PE OCange cOUnty, NC <br />Principnl <br />LAURENCG W. BUNCH, AIA Dear MS. JOIle$: <br />A+sucinfe <br />ANDRGW R. CRUICKSHANK, A,A Corley Redfoot Zack, Inc. is pleased to submit our qualifications and a <br />A+saciniu <br />design fee proposal for the new soccer center on the Euliss Property in <br />DAViD ht. ravroR, A,A Orange County.. <br />n.<adnre <br />hIARRY M. JENSEN <br />A+su[infc Our firn3 has a long successful history of designing sports/athletic <br /> facilities for various Universities, School Systems and Towns <br />KENNETH E. ShiliH <br />A;~~d~f~~ throughout Orange County and North Carolina. Recent projects similar <br /> to your request included the park/school site at Chapel Hill High School <br /> (Catrboro Fields), the three Practice Fields at North Carolina State <br /> University in Raleigh, the Athletic Fields at Last Chapel Hill High <br /> School and Smith Middle School, the Toilet and Concessions Buildings <br /> at East Chapel Hill High and Chapel Hill High Schoof_ <br />Our approach to a project such as this would be to look to ways to <br />PQ l3os 2368 integrate and provide synergy with your scope of work and the work at <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27515-?368 Middle SL:hool #3.. We would meet and establish your needs and <br />222 ao~sc~t court program with your staff. We would then look carefully at ways to <br />u,ap~l rtul, Nc 2z5ra-zzrz benefit both projects by utilizing similar construction timelines and <br />shazing facilities where feasible. This would require that we act as a <br />design liaison between Orange County and the Orange County Board of <br />Education. <br />Corley Redfoot Zack would assist with preparation of a Master Plan for <br />the site and all related meetings and approvals. We would also provide <br />all drawings and specifications for the final contract documents <br />including the Site Plan Approval process as outlined for the EDD <br />(9'19) 942-8586 Telephone <br />(919)929-4802 Fax <br />