Minutes - 19650405
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19650405
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_ I <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, April 5, 1965, <br />at 10:00 o'clock A.M., in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioners Gordon B. Cleveland, William <br />C. Ray, Henry S. Walker and Carl M. Smith. <br />Members absent: None. <br />The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. <br />The following road petitions were approved and the Clerk was requested to forward same to <br />the State Highway Commission: <br />014 Cedar Grove-Hillsboro Road (SR #1517, 1508, 1546, & 1332) <br />Piney Mountain Road (SR #1732) <br />SR #1937 <br />SR #1945 <br />George Miller, Clarence Jones, and Van Kenyon were present to discuss with the Board the <br />Old Cedar Grove-Hillsboro Road, and the needs of the citizens of that area in relation to said road. <br />Commissioner Rays recommended that the Board go on record as requesting improvements on <br />11. C. #86 from Hillsboro to the Orange County line. He cited as one of his reasons for this request <br />his concern about the frequent accidents on this road. The Clerk was requested to write the State <br />Highway Commission informing them of Commissioner Ray's recommendation and also requesting the State <br />Highway Commission to forward to the Board a complete list of the work schedule which had been <br />planned for Orange County for 1964--1965. <br />Mrs. J. C. Herring appeared and requested that the Board make available funds for improvement <br />and repair of a building located on the Lincoln School Property. This building is to be used as a <br />workshop and vocational training school for a self-help project. No action was taken on this matter. <br />An ammended copy of the proposed Recreation District Bill was presented by the County <br />Attorney. Upon motion of Commissioner Cleveland, seconded by Commissioner Smith, it was unanimously <br />adopted that the Boar] proceed with the proposed amended Recreation District Bill. A copy of said <br />bill is to be submitted to the Bond Attorneys for their opinion and then forwarded to the Legislature <br />for enactment as a local law for Orange County. <br />Commissioner Ray brought to the attention of the Board the fact that Morris Telephone Com- <br />pany is requesting another rate increase. Discussion ensued. <br />The following motion was made by Commissioner Ray and seconded by Commissioner Walker: <br />We the County Commissioners go on record as being opposed to Morris Telephone Company's <br />proposed telephone rate increase. <br />Reasons for Opposing the Increase: <br />We feel that the rate increase is unjustifiable for they have just had a pay rate increase; <br />the rates are already in excess of other telephone companies in our area; quality of service <br />is not up to what it should be, particularly in the 1fland area; area of service too small <br />for the high rate we are already paying. <br />For these reasons we feel we should oppose the proposed rate increase and should send a <br />representative to Raleigh to the Utility Commission Public Hearing to be in opposition. <br />The following substitute motion was made by Commissioner Cleveland, seconded by Commissioner Smith <br />and unanimously adopted: That Orange County have a representative present at the Utility Commission <br />public hearing in the matter of the rate increase requested by Morris Telephone Company, and that <br />said representative express the concern of the Board relative to the facts and figures of the increase. <br />. <br />It was brought to the attention of the.Board that is the current session of the Legislature <br />a bill will be enacted giving various counties an option to abolish the Coroner System at the descre- <br />tion of the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion ensued as to whether Orange County wanted to <br />be included in said bill. No action was taken. <br />Howard Thompson, Superintendant of the Chapel Hill City Schools, presented the proposed <br />1965-1966 Budget for his School Unit. The request was for a`Capital Expense Budget of $378,586.14, <br />of which $139,484.52 is requested from the school supplementary tax, $185,894.00 from the per capita <br />allotment, and $53,207.61 from various other income items. <br />Paul Siebel, Community Services Consultant, reported on a proposed program of family plan- <br />ning for low-income households in the county, which the County Committee had developed. The Board <br />endorsed this proposal and authorized Chairman Bennett to write a letter of endorsement to the office <br />of Economic Opportunity. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Smith, and unanimously adopted, <br />J. A. McMahon was appointed to the Hospital Planning Council for a term of three years. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was unanimously adopted <br />that the preliminary application for a Public Health Building be approved, signed by the Chairman and <br />sent to the N. C. Medical Care Commission.
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