/ 384 Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners
<br />March 1, 1965
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 1, 19659 at
<br />10:00 o'clock A.M., in the Commissioners Boom at the Courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C.
<br />Members Present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioners Gordon B. Cleveland, William
<br />C. Ray, Henry S. Walker and Carl M. Smith.
<br />Members absent: None
<br />The minutes of the February 1st and February 11th meetings were read, corrected and approved.
<br />The Clerk of Court presented a new contract between the County and the Court Recorder. Upon
<br />motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Cormissioner Ray, and unanimously adopted, Chairman
<br />Bennett was authorized to sign the new contract with Mrs. Faye Iiulet. The salary for Mrs. Hulot
<br />under said contract was set at $150.00 per term, effective January 1, 1965.
<br />Chairman Bennett brought to the attention of the Board that a vacancy existed on the Chapel
<br />Hill Planning Board. Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Ray, Ray Burns was
<br />appointed to fill the unexpired tern of Julian Caston on the Chapel Hill Planning Board.
<br />Chairman Bennett presented a letter from the News & Observer, Raleigh, N. C. Said letter
<br />stated that the paper would publish a 100th Anniversary wt on and requested that the County con-
<br />sider purchasing advertisement space in said issue. No action was taken on this matter.
<br />Dr. 0. David Garvin, District Health Officer, was present to inform the Board of the changes
<br />which would have to be instituted in personnel salary ranges under the new Merit System. He further
<br />stated that this change was being made in order to comply with new rules and regulations being
<br />adopted by State and Federal Agencies.
<br />Dr. Garvin asked if the 9oard had considered or was considering the possibility of providing
<br />a Health Building. Under present Federal programs the County could obtain 55% of the buildingla
<br />cost from the Federal Government. He stated further that in order to Darticipate in this program,
<br />a letter of intent should be mailed to Mr. Win. Henderson. This would at least put Orange County
<br />on record in case the County wished to pursue said request. Upon motion of Commissioner Walker,
<br />seconded by Commissioner Smith and unanimously- adopted, a letter of intent was to be forwarded
<br />immediately to Mr. Henderson. Dr. Garvin and the County Administrator were authorized to investigate
<br />and to make plans for the type of Health Building that Orange County would need.
<br />The County Attorney stated that James Harper, Attorney for the Chapel Hill Housing Authority,
<br />had conferred with him concerning property owned by Robert H. Cole. In order to clear the title for
<br />said property it would be necessary for the County to sign a release deed, since the County holds an
<br />Old Age Assistance Lien against said Robert H. Cole. Said property had been appraised by authorized
<br />realtors at a market value of $1,250.00. Mr. Cole had agreed to sell said property, provided he was
<br />given a fee of $100.00 and that the taxes due Orange County in the amount of $5.70 were paid. The
<br />County would receive from the sale of said property $1,14L.30. Upon motion of Commissioner Ray,
<br />seconded by Commissioner Smith, and unanimously adopted, Chairman Bennett was authorized to execute
<br />a release deed from Orange County to the Chanel Hill Housing Authority on the property of ilobert H.
<br />Cole, located on dwards Alley, Chapel Hill, N. C.
<br />Ed Barnes, County Farm Agent,reported to the Hoard that under the tobacco acreage out Orange
<br />County tobacco farm income would be gut more than $700,000.00 per year. He informed the Board that
<br />his department was now trying to institute programs that would offset the loss of this income.
<br />Paul Siebel, Community Services Consultant,atated that the County Advisory Committee was
<br />endorsing a program of pl4nned parenthood in Orange County. This program would be administered
<br />through his office and in conjunction with other agencies interested in said program.
<br />The County Administrator brought to the attention of the Board the fact that no interest had
<br />been shown b7 either the Hillsborough Historical Society or the Historic Hillsborough Commission in
<br />the purchasing of any more than 5,000 of the bricks taken from the Walker Milling Company 3uilding.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ray and unanimously adopted, the County
<br />is to give to the Historic Hillsborough Commission 10,000 bricks, provided the Commission pay for the
<br />removal from the premises, and ,s. Cooper, the contractor, is to be given permission to remove the
<br />remainder of said bricks from the lot.
<br />Robert 3. M3dgette and Charles B. Shaffer were present to present the bill which had been
<br />drawn for the establishment of a recreation district within the Chapel Mill Township area. This
<br />bill was reviewed by the Board and discussion ensued. The County Attorney was requested to review
<br />the bill and report his opinion on said bill to the members of the 3oard at the next first Monday
<br />meeting.
<br />The County Administrator and the County Attorney were requested to proceed with the Braving
<br />of a bill that would ammend the present G. S. 57-1(4 which now exempts from taxation hospital service
<br />corporations.
<br />The County Administrator was also requested to advise Donald Stanford and Don Matheson
<br />that a local act pertaining to the number of jurors drawn for Superior Court Terms in Orange County
<br />needed to be introduced. The Board's feeling was that this amendment should grant to the Board
<br />the authority to draw as many jurors as the Board in its discretion deemed necessary.