Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners
<br />January 4, 1965
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<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, January 4, 1965,
<br />at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C.
<br />Members present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, Commissioners Gordon B. Cleveland, Carl M.
<br />Smith, Henry S. Walker and William C. Ray.
<br />The minutes were read and approved.
<br />C. W. Davis, Chairman of the County Committee for Economic Opportunity, and Paul Siebel
<br />reported to the Board the progress made by this committee towards the formulation of a proposal to
<br />be presented to the Office of Economic Opportunity. This committee now has in the final stages two
<br />proposalsi one concerning pre-school readiness and the other concerning remedial reading. The Board
<br />will be notified upon completion of the final drafts of these proposals.
<br />Howard Thompson, Superintendent of the Chapel Hill School Unit, advised the Board that
<br />arrangements for the sale of the downtown school property had been completed, and the purchase
<br />price had been paid to the City National Bank in New York for safekeeping pending delivery of the
<br />property to the purchaser.
<br />Gary Sykes reouested that the Board give consideration to the introduction of two-bills in
<br />the N. C. General Assembly. One bill concerned the duties of public utilities when exercising the
<br />right of eminent domain for right of way, and the other c--ncerned the revaluation of property after
<br />a public utility has exercised the right of eminent domain. The Board decided to discuss both bills
<br />with the County's representatives to the General Assembly as soon as possible.
<br />Ed Barnes, Jessie Trowbridge, and their assistants presented the annual report for the
<br />Farm Extension Department.
<br />:9r. Barnes introduced to the Board Larry Byrd, who had been recommended by the District
<br />Agent as an assistant agent for Orange County. Discussion ensued concerning this appointment. Upon
<br />motion of Commissioner Cleveland, duly seconded, Mr. Byrd was unanimously appointed as Assistant
<br />Farm Agent for Orange County.
<br />James Wight, Welfare Director, gave the monthly report of activities in the Welfare
<br />department.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cleveland, seconded by Commissioner Walker, W. Marshall Smith
<br />was aopointed Judge of the Orange County Recorders Court for a term of two years commencing January
<br />1, 1965, by a vote of 3 ayes and 0 noes, one commissioner being absent.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ray, F. Lloyd Noell was
<br />appointed Solicitor of the Orange County Recorders Court for a term of two years commencing January,
<br />1, 1965, by a vote of 3 ayes and 0 noes, one Commissioner being absent.
<br />G. Paul Carr and members of the Orange County Board of Education advised the Board that
<br />the Board of Education has decided to construct a new junior high school of approximately 38 rooms
<br />on the site of the present senior high school.
<br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
<br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk
<br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk
<br />Harvey D. Bennett, Chairman
<br />The following are copies of the bills presented to the Board by Gary Sykes at the January
<br />4, 1965 meeting:
<br />LANDS
<br />Duties of Utility Companies as to Condemned Lands.
<br />a When arrvv telegraph, tele?hone, electric power, lighting or pipeline company exercises
<br />the right of eminent domain under the authority of the laws of North Carolina, such company shall,
<br />after cutting timber or clearing brush on its right of way or on lands adjacent to such right of way
<br />for the protection of its lines, remove or destroy all slash, stumps and other refuse so as to prevent
<br />soil erosion and insect and disease infestation to timber and plantlife on adjoining properties. Such
<br />company shall plant any cleared right of way with a frass of a type which will conserve the soil,
<br />prevent soil erosion and be beneficial to wildlife. This will not apply to open land that is being
<br />used by the owner for the planting of agricultural crops. .
<br />(b) Upon the cutting of any timber on land adjacent-to the right of way of any such company
<br />as may be permissible for the protection of its lines, such company shallnotify the landowner concerned
<br />that said timber is to be cut, and such landowner shall be afforded the choice of retaining his
<br />timber so cut or of requiring such company to remove the cut timber from his premises. Notice under
<br />this paragraph shall be sufficient if posted by regular United States mail at least five days and
<br />not more than thirty days prior to the cutting of timber. If no response has been made to such notice
<br />when timber is cut, it shall be removed by the company.
<br />(c) The violation of any of the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor
<br />punishable in the discretion of the court.