Minutes - 19640803
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19640803
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The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, August 3, 1964, <br />at 10:00 o'clock A.M., in the Commissioners Room in the Courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />?lmbers Present: Chairman Donald M. Stanford,: Commissioners Harvey Bennett, Gordon B. <br />Cleveland, Carl M. Smith and Henry S. Walker. <br />Members absent: none. <br />The following road petitions were submitted and the clerk was authorized to forward them <br />to the State Highway Commission: <br />1. Rd. #1102 (Old Hillsboro--Pittsboro Rd.) <br />2. Extention of Rd. #713 at intersection of #/716. <br />3. Hillside & Short St. ( -Runs off #1560, Crawford Ad.) <br />The following department officials submitted reports for the month of July, 1964: <br />E. M. Lyncy, Clerk of Court <br />Cashe Boggs, Dog Warden <br />James I-light, Welfare Director <br />Tom Bivins, Veterans Service Officer <br />Chairman Stanford read a letter from Ted Tillman of Chapel Hill. Said letter contained <br />the resignation of Mr. Tillman from the Chapel Hill Board of Adjustments. This resignation is <br />effective immediately, as Mr. Tillman was to leave Chapel Hill August 1. Mr. Tillman stated that <br />upon his return to Chapel Hill he would like to be considered for re-appointment to the Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Smith and unanimously adopted, <br />Steward Sechriest of Mr. Bolus was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Ted Tillman on the Chapel <br />Hill Board of Adjustments. <br />R. J. Smith, Sr., Chairman of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, along with Dr. D. D. <br />Carroll and Giles Long, presented the Annual A. B. C. ievenue Report to the Commissioners. <br />The County Attorney advised the Board that they were authorized to adopt an ordinance to <br />control noises within Orange County. Discussion ensued as to the interpretation of noises that <br />would be incorporated in such an ordinance. No action was taken. <br />Chairman Stanford read the following letter from T. A. Burton, Division Engineer, State <br />Highway Commission: <br />n This will acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of July 23rd, <br />1964, relative to petition presented by Mr. William Parker of Hillsboro, request- <br />ing paving on the above streets. (Subject: Request for Paving of Streets Border- <br />ing West Hill Elementary School on Last and West Side (Jones Street and Collins <br />Avenue). <br />Following our Meeting with the Board of Commissioners of Orange County <br />on Friday, June 19, 1964, for the purpose of going over our 1964-65 Secondary <br />Road Plan for Orange County, I went over these streets with Mr. Hoover, District <br />Engineer, and Mr. Walters, Maintenance S-pervisor. I have discussed same with <br />Mr. Y,aclamroc, Commissioner, and furnished an estimate of the cost; and he has <br />asked me to advise you that he will be glad to keep this request before him <br />and consider it further if and when funds are available. If you will convey this <br />information to the Members of your Board, it will be appreciated. <br />With regard to the to the paving of the Rogers Road, S. R.,#1729, 1 have <br />furnished Mr. MacLamroc with all the necessary information on this road, which is <br />1.3 miles in length and which runs from S. R.#1727 to S. R.#1777. Mr. MacLamroc <br />wishes me to advise you that this request will be kept in mind for consideration <br />when future Paving Projects are set up for Orange County. <br />Also, with regard to the extension of the Hawkins Road to the road leading <br />to Spring Valley Lake, this will be considered along with the other two requests <br />referred to above. " <br />Chairman Stanford read the following letter from H. E. Thompson, Superintendent of the <br />Chapel Hill City Schools; said letter was a copy of a letter addressed to W. F. Babcock, <br />Director, North Carolina State Highway Commission: <br />"The Chapel Hill Board of Education at its meeting on July 16 Unanimously <br />endorsed the request of the Board of Aldermen a the Town of Chapel Hill in <br />urging the Highway Commission to improve the Air Port Road at least as far as <br />Homestead Road.
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