Minutes - 19630903
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19630903
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3 24 <br />Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners <br />September 3, 1963 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, <br />September 3, 1963, at 10 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners Room at the courthouse <br />in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />. Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, <br />Gordon Cleveland, Carl M. Smith and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutes of the August meetings were read by the Clerk and approved by <br />the Board. <br />The following road petitions were submitted and the Clerk was authorized <br />to forward same to the State Highway Commission in Greensboro, N. C. <br />1. Ward, Severin & Weiner Streets <br />2. Severin St. (SR-1792) from Ward St. to <br />dead end. <br />3. Reverie Road <br />4. Road #1712 <br />5. Alabama Avenue <br />6. Road in Oak Grove Community <br />The following department officials presented reports for the month of <br />August, 1963: <br />Cashe Boggs, Dog Warden <br />E. M. Lynch, Clark of Court <br />Jim Wight, Welfare Director <br />Ed Barnes, County Agent <br />Cyrus Green & Bryant Smith, <br />Asst. Farm Agents <br />Thomas E. Bivins, Veterans Service Officer <br />E. M. Lynch, Clerk of Court, reported that Mrs. Agnes Allen had resigned her <br />position as bookkeeper in his office effective August 31, 1963, and that he had <br />employed Miss Mary Howard to fill this facency. <br />v <br />The Clerk of Court also requested that Neil Jones, Assistant Clerk of Court <br />from Chapel Hill, be granted a salary of $25.00 per month plus any fees collected <br />for services performed. Mr. Lynch stated that this employee was spending consider- <br />able time working with the staff at N. C. Memorial Hospital and that he, the Clerk, <br />did not feel that Mr. Jones was being amply paid for the work involved. A discussion <br />ensued concerning the duties of Mr. Jones. No action was taken on said request. <br />A delegation from the Poplar Hills section of Chapel Hill was present and <br />requested that the State Highway Commission take over a road known as the Cedar <br />Grove Road. Jack Johnson, spokesman for the group, stated that a road petition had <br />been submitted in May of 1963 for this road, but that no action had been taken <br />on said petition. The Clerk informed Mr. Johnson than an inquiry would be made <br />to the State Highway Commission concerning said petition and that he would be <br />notified of the findings of said inquiry. <br />Dr. Charles Blake, President of the Hillsborough Historical Society, was <br />present and he informed the Board that Mrs. Memory Lester, Chairman of the <br />Tercentenary Commission for Orange County, was having a portrait of the Earl of <br />Hillsborough painted and that she wanted to dedicate the portrait in a special <br />ceremony to be held at a date which would be announced later. Mrs. Lester was <br />requesting permission to hang the portrait behind the judge's bench in the new <br />courthouse. Dr. Blake stated that the members of the Executive Committee of the <br />Historical Society were divided in their choice of sites for the portrait. Some <br />wanted it to hang in the new courthouse, and others desired that it be hung in the <br />old courthouse. Considerable discussion ensued on this request. It was suggested <br />that Mrs. Lester make the presentation to the Historical Society and that the Society <br />in turn secure permission from the County as to where the portrait should be placed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cleveland, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was <br />moved that the county would accept the portrait of the Earl of Hillsborough, that <br />said portrait would be given to the Hillsborough Historical Society and that the <br />Society could choose an appropriate place for said portrait. This motion was not <br />passed and no action was taken concerning said request. It was agreed that <br />Commissioner Smith would discuss this matter with Watts Hill, the donor of said <br />portrait, and the matter was to be decided at a later date. <br />Dr. Blake stated that he knew his next request was premature but he inquired <br />as to what plans the county had concerning the newly purchased Walker Milling <br />Company property. Dr. Blake then requested that, if it were ever decided that said <br />building was to be removed, that the Hillsborough Historical Society be given first <br />choice of the old brick in said building. No action was taken on this request. <br />Chairman Stanford read a letter from Claude T. Bowers, Ms?or General, NC ARNG, <br />of the Adjutant General's Department. Said letter requested the Mayor of each town, <br />the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners in each County, and the senior National <br />Guard Officer of that community to serve as a committee of three to recommend three
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