Orange County NC Website
<br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />September 4, 1962 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, September 4, 1Yot, <br />at 10 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, <br />Clarence Jones, Donald McDade and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />`til <br />Mr. Mace of the Cheeks Crossing Community of Cheeks Township appeared and <br />requested the Board not to institute a county wide zoning program. Mr. Mace acknow- <br />ledged the need for zoning in certain areas and suggested zoning be placed into <br />effect only in acreas desiring this program. <br />Don Matheson, County Farm Agent, reported that the Farm Extention Advisory <br />Committee had recommended the following person be appointed to this committee for a <br />term of three (3) years: Robert Rogan, Lewis Tetterton, H. W. Moore, Mrs. R. E. <br />Hughes and Mrs. Mamie Parker. <br />Commissioner Jones moved the above recommendation be enacted. Commissioner <br />Walker seconded this motion. Chairman Stanford called for the vote and there were <br />eyes and 0 neyes. <br />James A. Wight, Welfare Director, introduced Mrs. Jean Rogers, Case Worker <br />Supervisor, to the Board. Mr. Wight also invited the Board members to attend a <br />meeting of the Association of Publio Welfare Workers which is to be held in Chapel <br />Hill on October 16th. The purpose of this meeting discuss the effect new <br />Federal Legislation will have on the Welfare Program. <br />On motion of Henry Walker, seconded by Clarence D. Jones, the following <br />resolution was unanimously passed: <br />WHEREAS,. Albert Coates will give up his duties as Director of the Institute of <br />GoverzmAent at the University of North Carolina after nearly forty years of distingui <br />ad service to the counties of our state; and whereas, the citizens of orange County, <br />as well as all the other citizens of our state, should be forever grateful to Albert <br />Coates and the Institute of Government for its monumental contribution to better <br />government in North Carolina; and whereas, be it remembered that Albert Coates, with <br />the devoted aid, assistance and enthusiasm of Mrs. Coates, almost single-banded in <br />his efforts to establish the Institute of Government, served untiringly and with a <br />sense of devotion and loyalty to the State of North Carolina rarely exhibited, over- <br />coming all obstacles, created and developed the Institute and carried it forward <br />until it was accepted by the University, County governments, and the State of North <br />Carolina, and continued in his stewardship of the Institute, making it the outstand- <br />ing institution in the nation that it is today for research in problems of local <br />government, and in the training of public officials: <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners <br />of orange County, in its.behalf and on-behalf of the people of Orange <br />County, express its appreciation to Albert Coates, and to his wife who <br />so ably assisted him throughout the years, for the outstanding public <br />service rendered by him to Orange County and the public officials thereof. <br />Be it further resolved that the Board of County Commissioners extend <br />to Albert Coates and Mrs. Coates the sincere wish that they both are <br />spared for many years so that they may have the opportunity to see the <br />fruits of their labors in the continued improvement of administration <br />in the field of local government and also the further satisfaction of <br />knowing that their efforts have been appreciated by all the people of <br />North Carolina. <br />Pearson Steward, Executive Director of the Research Triangle Regional Planning <br />Ccmmaission, discussed with the Board-a school population study his agency is to makb <br />for the Chapel Hill Administrative Unit.. Mr. Stewart distributed copies of the <br />outline shown below to the Board members. <br />PHS <br />July, 1962 <br />A school plan for the Chapel Hill School District would include the following <br />studies and concepts: <br />1. Population Projection. Projection of the school-age population by age-grade <br />groups from year o year over a planning period to the year 1980. Several projections <br />would be made, in accord with the various possibilities that exist concerning the <br />growth of the total population of the school district. <br />2. Spatial distribution of the chool-e a population. Projection of the school <br />age population woula?la?t s ralennin`g districts that have been <br />established within the Chapel Hill Planning Area, and to that part of the school <br />district that lies outside of the Chapel Hill Planning Area. Estimates of the number <br />and age-grade distribution of children within each of the planning districts would be <br />prepared. The social and land-use characteristics of each planning district would be <br />evaluated and related to the estimates. <br />3. School sites. The following factors would be studied and applied to a plan <br />for school locations: