Orange County NC Website
r4 <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />July 2, 1962 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, July <br />2, 1962, at 10 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, <br />N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, <br />Clarence Jones, Donald McDade and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutues of the previous meetings were read by the Clerk and approved by <br />the Board. <br />The following department officials presented reports for the month of June <br />1962: Cashe Boggs, County Dog Warden and E. M. Lynch, Clerk of Court. <br />The following road petitions were presented and the Clerk was authorized to <br />mail them to the State Highway Commission. <br />1. Rogers Road <br />2. Road #1951 <br />Dr. Charles Keith, representatives of the Eno Fire Association, requested that <br />the Board establish a County Fire Commission. He presented contracts which had been <br />obtained from the North Carolina Insurance Commission. If a fire commission was <br />established this would enable residents of the Eno District to qualify for a reduced <br />fire insurance rate.' This request was taken under advisement. <br />Chairman Stanford brought to the attention of the Board the matter.of filling <br />the appoints which are vacate on the Chapel Hill Planning Board and the Board of <br />Ad.iustmenta. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner McDade, and <br />unanimously adopted, this matter was tabled. <br />Miss Trowbridge, Home Demonstration Agent, presented Miss Frances Moore, the <br />new Assistant Home Demonstration Agent. Chairman Stanford welcomed Miss Moore into <br />the county employment. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner McDade, and unanimous- <br />ly adopted, the Clerk was instructed to write a letter of apprection to Mrs. Evelyn <br />Raper, the former Assistant Home Demonstration Agent. <br />John Ballard, Hillsboro Insurance Agent, suggested that the Board might like to <br />consider some type of insurance to supplement the income of county employees.and <br />that said insurance could be.considered as a fringe benefit and would help at the <br />time of hiring new county personnel. The Board informed 1•Ir. Ballard that this <br />matter would be considered during the budget sessions. <br />The County Attorney presented a deed of release to be executed by the Chairman <br />and the Clerk to the Board. This release deed was in connection with the release of <br />lots 21-22, Cole Heights, which are covered in a deed of trust recorded in book 145, <br />at page 29, Orange County Registry. This deed of trust was given by Peggy McNair <br />to secure payment of monies due the county. The County Attorney recommended that <br />the payment tendered by Mr. Edwards be accepted and that the deed of release be <br />executed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner McDade, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and unanimous- <br />ly adopted, the Chairman and the Clerk were authorized to execute the release deed <br />„after Mr. Edwards' check had been certified. <br />W. E. Hayes operator of Holiday Park and Bob Boyce, Director of the American <br />ield Service, were granted firework permits for their 4th of July display. <br />Commissioner Donald McDade was reappointed to represent the Board as it's member <br />n the Welfare Board for a term of three (3) years. This term is to run concurrent <br />ith Commissioner McDade's present term. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Walker, and unanimous- <br />y adopted, the budget as presented by the Welfare Board was adopted. <br />The following names were drawn to serve as jurors for the August 6th term of <br />riminal Court. <br />1. Leonard T. Cheek (Hb.) 15. Thomas Strowd (CH) <br />2. B. Hartness (CH) 16. Wm. H. <br />Poteat (CH) <br /> <br />3. ' <br />O 0 Ke11y Potent (CG) <br />17. (CH) <br />E <br />fthimios <br />la. G. M. Kirkland (CH) 18. G. J. Gentry (Hb.) <br />5. Wesley Poteat (CG) 19. Robert B. King (Hb.) <br />6. J. E. Huskey (CH) 20. Charlie C. Atwater (CH) <br />7. Thomas Earl Kimball (Cb.) 21. Mrs. Susie Faucette (Hb.) <br />8. Harry C. Kirshiner (CH) 22. Thomas H. McKee (CG) <br />9. Clinton Thompson (Cb.) 23. Vernon I. Jones (Hb.) <br />10. James C. Stone (CH) 24. Mary B. Forrest (Hb.) <br />11. L. M. Sharpe (Hb.) 25. Thomas H. Hilliard (Cb.) <br />12. James G. Neighbors (CH) 26. Tommie Joe Ragan (CH) <br />13. George P. Hunter, Jr. (CH) 27. Robert Lee Walker (CH) <br />LLF. Roy Hunt (CH) 28. John W. West (Durham)