Minutes - 19620604
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19620604
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The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, <br />June 4, 1962, at 10 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in <br />Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, <br />Clarence Jones, Donald McDade and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read by the Clerk and approved by <br />the Board. <br />. The following department officials presented reports for the month of May <br />1962; E. M. Lynch, Clerk Superior Court <br />Cashe Boggs, County Dog Warden <br />Don Matheson, County Farm Agent <br />Jessie Trowbridge, Home Demonstration Agent <br />Walter Wrenn, Veterans Service Officer <br />and Jim Wight, Welfare Director <br />E. M. Lynch, Clerk of Superior Court, requested a re-classification for Mrs. <br />Nancy M. Phelps from a pay grade 3 to a pay grade 4 and a salary of $280.00 per <br />month. Mr. Lynch stated he was making this request because Mr. Phelps had the <br />opportunity to accept a position with First Savings & Loan Association in Mebane at <br />a beginning salary far superior to her present salary with the county. He recited <br />that Mr. Cheshire was leaving his office the first of September and that it was <br />imperative that he retain some experienced personnel in his office. The Board <br />advised Mr. Lynch that they would discuss this matter with him later in the afternoon. <br />Jessie Trowbridge, Home Demonstration Agent, informed the Board of the <br />resignation of Mrs. Evelyn Raper, the present Assistant Home Demonstration Agent. <br />Mrs. Raper resignation will become effective June 30, 1962. Miss Trowbridge stated <br />that Miss Frances Strowd Moore had made application for the position of Assistant <br />Home Demonstration Agent and that a thorough investigation had been made into the <br />background of this applicant and that she met all the requirements. Miss Trowbridge <br />requested that the Board approve Miss Moore for the position of Assistant Home <br />Demonstration Agent and that her salary be the same as that being paid Mrs. Raper. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, and <br />unanimously adopted, Miss Frances Strowd Moore was approved as the new Assistant <br />Home Demonstration Agent.with her salary to be the same as.the present salary being <br />paid Mrs. Raper. <br />The.County Accountant presented two change orders from Archie Davis, Architect <br />in charge of the new addition to the agriculture building. A discussion ensued <br />concerning said change orders and Don Matheson, County Agent, was requested to <br />investigate change order 7#2 and report his findings to the Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, and <br />unanimously adopted, charge order #1 was approved. <br />Mrs. Harold Hawkins of the Palmer's Grove Church Community requested that <br />the entrees to her drive be repaired. The Clerk was instructed to write the State <br />Highway Commission and request that Mr. Walters inspect this drive and if under the <br />State Highway Commission's policy anything could be done to elevate Mrs. Hawkins' <br />situation it would be appreciated by the Board and by Mrs. Hawkins. <br />Paul McKee of Rt. 1, Durham, N. C., presented a petition signed by the <br />citizens of the Pleasant Green Community requesting that road #1567 which runs from <br />Eno Power Plant north toward St. Marys and Schley communities be named the Pleasant <br />Green Road. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and <br />unanimously adopted road #1567 was designated as Pleasant Green Road. <br />In the petition which Mr. McKee presented there was also requested by road <br />number that other roads in that area be named and that appropriate signs be erected. <br />There was no action taken by the Board other than to name the Pleasant Green Road. <br />The Clerk was instructed to inform the State Highway Commission of the action taken <br />in the naming of the Pleasant Green Road and to call to their attention the other <br />portion of Mr. McKee's petition. <br />Chairman Stanford read letters received from Miss Elizabeth Collins and Fred <br />Clsytor pertaining to the proposed exit from Interstate 85 into the town of Hillsboro. <br />The Tax Supervisior presented two proposed contracts, one for the tax <br />appraisal of all property in Orange County and the other for tax mapping of all <br />property in the Chapel Hill Zoning Jurisidiotion.:' These contracts were in accordance <br />with the requirements of the North Carolina General Statutes relating tc county wide <br />property revaulation every eight years. The Board directed that these proposals be <br />sent to prospective contractors. <br />Joseph Johnston, Supt. of the Chapel Hill School Board, requested an appoint- <br />ment for the Chapel Hill School for Thursday, June lgth, at 8:30 p.m. This appoint- <br />ment was granted.
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