Orange County NC Website
Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />March 12, 1962 <br />259 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met with the Chapel Hill City Administrative <br />Unit in the library of the Chapel Hill High School to discuss the following matters: <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, Clarence Jones, <br />Donald McDade and Henry :'Talker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The tentative 1962-1963 Current Expense and Capital Outlay budgets were presented and <br />discussed along with the possible sale of the downtown High School and Junior High School property. <br />There being no further business to come before the group this meeting was adjourned. <br />S. M. Gattis <br />Acting Clerk <br />Donald Stanford <br />Chairman <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />March 19, 1962 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, March 19th, at 10 o'clock a.m. <br />in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, Clarence Jones <br />and Donald McDade. <br />Members absent: Commissioner Henry Walker. <br />They condened-`as a Board of Equalization and Review. There were no taxpayers present <br />to appeal property assessments. <br />The Board of Equalization and Review adjourned and re-coned as a Board of Commissioners. <br />Chairman Stanford brought to the attention of the Board the matter of the payment to <br />Roy M. Cole, who had assisted the Solicitor with the past term of Criminal Court, of $200.00. <br />Mr. Andrews had made his request on March 5th for the payment to be *ads to Mr. Cole. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and unanimously <br />adopted the County Accountant was instructed to pap Mr. Cole $200.00 for his service during the <br />last term of criminal court. <br />There being no further business to come before the group this meeting was adjourned. <br />S. M. Gattis <br />Acting Clerk <br />Donald Stanford <br />Chairman <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />March 21, 1962 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Wednesday, March 21st, at 8 o'clock p.m. <br />in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald McDade <br />and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: Commissioner Harvey Bennett. <br />The County Attorney, George levings, and the Superintendent of the Chapel Hill City <br />Schools, Joseph M. Johnston, were present. <br />Chairman Stanford advised the Board of the resignation of Mr. Johnston. The Board members <br />expressed their regrets that Mr. Johnston was leaving and their appreciation for the work he had <br />performed during the four year he was Superintendent of the Chapel Hill Schools. <br />Mr. Johnston advised the Board of the action taken on Monday night by the Chapel Hill <br />School Board regarding the calling of a special supplement tax election in the Chapel Hill School <br />District on May 26, 1962. <br />Mr. levings, County Attorney, advised the Board that the action of the Chapel Hill School <br />Board should be prepared in proper form and presented to the Board of Commissioners at a dtiy <br />called regular meeting and then the Board of Commissioners could then proceed to act upon the <br />request. <br />Mr. Johnston advised the Board he would have the necessary papers from his Board prepared <br />in proper form and before the Board at their April meeting. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the County Attorney prepare the necessary resolutions for <br />the Board of enact and have then available at the April meeting, so that this