Minutes - 19620102
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19620102
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Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />a-5-Z9 January 2, 1962 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, January 2, 1962, at ten o'clock <br />a.m. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, L1. C, <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, Clarence Jones, <br />Donald McDade and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />In the absence of the Clerk the minutes were read by S. M. Battle, County Accountant, and <br />some were approved. <br />Commissioner Stanford was elected to serve as Chairman of the Board for a term that expires ') <br />on the first Monday in December, 1962. <br />Don Matheson, County Farm Agent, presented a report on the opening of bide on the Agriculture <br />Building Addition, the low bids were as follows: <br />General Contract A. L. Crumoacker $51,249.00 <br />Plumbing Alliance Plumbing Company $ 3,990.00 <br />Beating & Air Conditioning Quality Air Conditioning Co. $311,287.00 <br />Electrical Quality Electrical Co. $ 7 123.00 <br />AMOUNT OF TOTAL BIAS 07 , 9.00 <br />The following persons were present to lend their individual support and in behalf of the <br />organization they were representing to request that the Commissioners proceed with the signing of <br />a contract for the construction of the addition to the Agriculture Building: <br />Oscar Compton, President of the Orange County Farm Bureau and Director of the Cedar Grove <br />Raritan Club. <br />Bill Miller, member of the Orange County Agricultural Extention Advisory Committee. <br />Richard Roberts, St. Mary's Grange member. <br />William Dorsett, prominent farmer of the Fairfield community. <br />A lengthy discussion concerning this construction project ensued. The matter was then <br />deferred until later in the day. <br />The County Farm Agent then submitted his annual report in written form, he also spoke briefly <br />of the highlights contained in his report. <br />Dalton Loftin, Administrator of the estate of `'Wes Tilley, requested the Board to cancel an <br />O.A.A. lien on the land owned by this estate. The O.A.A. lien amounted to several thousand dollars <br />thile the best offer that Mr. Loftin has received was $487.00. Mr. Loftin stated that this <br />amount would not nay for the funeral expenses. <br />It appeared to the Board that there was no way that the county could recover Anything from <br />the disoositien of this estate, the County Accountant was authorized to contact the County Attorney <br />and have the County Attorney cancel the Wes Tilley O.A.A. lien. <br />It was so moved, seconded and passed that the above mentioned Tilley lien be cancelled. <br />The County Board of Education was present and requested that the allocation of $100,000.00 <br />from the Capital Reserve Fund to be need by them for the construction of a portion of the Orange <br />County High School. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner McDade and seconded by Commissioner Walker the sum of $100,000.00 <br />was allocated to the County Board of Education from the Capital Outlay Fund for construction <br />purposes. Chairman Stanford called for a vote and there were 5 ayes and 0 nayes. Chairman <br />Stanford then declared the motion passes. <br />The following department officials presented reports for the month of December, 1961. <br />Jim Wight, Director of Public Welfare <br />Sherman Shelton, Negro Farm Agent <br />Commissioner Bennett moved that Commissioner Walker be elected Vice Chairman of the Board, <br />Commissioner McDade seconded this motion. Chairman Stanford called for a vote and there were 5 <br />ayes and 0 seven. Chairman Stanford then declared the motion passed. <br />The Board of Commissioners adjourned and reconvened as a Board of Eaualization and Review. <br />William Murihead was present and again discussed with the Board his request concerning a <br />tax reduction on his Glenn Lennox Project. <br />Commissioner Jones moved that from the total value of the project the sum of $11h,629.00 <br />be deducted. Tnis amount is equal to the amount paid by the Tom of Chanel Hill to Mr. Murihead <br />for the sewer system at the time of the annexation by the Town of Glenn Lennox. <br />To reduce this sum to a tax value the usual 70p must be applied, <br />Commissioner 1:7alker seconded this motion. Chairman Stanford called for a vote and there were <br />5 ayes and 0 nayes. Charrman Stanford then declared the motion passed.
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