Orange County NC Website
4240 <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />October 2, 1961 <br />The Orange County Board of Comussioners met on Monday, October 2, 1961, at ten a, clock a.m. <br />in the 0c isaioners- room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. 0, <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, Clarence D. Jones, <br />Donald McDade and Henry f=aker. <br />1enb2rs absent: :lone <br />The minutes for the meetines held in SeoteTber were read by the Cleric and a?proved by the <br />Board. <br />The following Deoartmant Officials presented reports for the month of September, 1951: <br />Frank Frederick, Delinquent Tax Jollector <br />Jessie Trmlbridee, Dome Demonstration Agent <br />Don ;tathason, County Farm Agent <br />Chairman Stanford si_ened the following elder and requested that same be entered in the minutes <br />for this meeting: <br />"North Carolina, Orange County. To the Inn Collector of Orange County. <br />You are hereby authorized, emooaered and commanded to collect the tacas set forth in the tae <br />books, fileed in the office of the Orange County Tar. Collector, and in the tax receipts herebefore <br />delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise thareLn set forth, and such taxes <br />are hereby declared to be a first Len on all real property of the respective tamayers in Orange <br />County, and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require and enable you to <br />levy on and sell any r'cal or personal property of such tatcnayprs, for and on account thereof, in <br />accordance with the tar. <br />Witness my hand and official seal, this 2nd day of October, 1951. <br />(Official Seal) /s/ Donald ii. Stanford (Seal) <br />Chairman, Board of Commissioners <br />Attest: <br />Isl Betty June Hayes <br />Clerk a' Board." <br />Don Matheson, County Farm Agent, recommended the following persons '_or appointment on the <br />County Agricultural Intention Advisory Board for a term of three (3) years each. Bunn Pope, <br />Hulan Bradshaw, Dupree Smith, Mrs. Tom Roundtree and Wiley Perry. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Co=dusioner McDade, and unanimously adopted <br />the recommendation of Mr. Matheson was accepted and the persons named by him were appointed as <br />members of the County Agricultural =xtention Advisory Board. <br />Wiley Perry of fit. 2, Nobane, 14. 0., appeared before the Board and recuested that County <br />Road designated as rf1715 be paved. Road 11115 begins at the intersection of the Hillsboro and <br />Orange Grove Used and runs in a westerly direction. <br />Mr'. Perry was informed that the Board had no authority in this matter but that they would <br />have the Clerk write to the State Higkway Commission requesting an anointment for lir.-W--',ay, p+ <br />in order, that he might discuss his request further with the Division cnvinaer. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner McDade, and unanimously adopted, <br />the Sheriff was authorized to proceed with the proposed direct telephone line to Chapel Hill. This <br />phone is to be listed in the Chapel Hill directory under' the name of Orange County's Sheriff office. <br />Chairman Stanford read a letter' of resignation from Roy M. Cole, Asst. Solicitor of the Orange <br />County Superior Court. Chairman Stanford directed the Cleric to write Mr'. Cole a» the <br />appreciation of the Board for his excellent service rendered during his time in this position. <br />The Accountant was directed to advise the T!eu York Attorney's that the County would continue <br />to use the same paying agent when paying principal and interest on the new School Bond Issue. <br />The Clerk of Court presented a request that two of his emoloyees, Mrs. Jerry Renion and <br />Wr's. Nancy ?helps, be advanced one (1) step in their respective pay grades. This request was <br />made on the basis o_' their length of service. Since the Clerk of Court was not present because <br />of illness no action was taken on this request and the matter was deferred until the November <br />meeting. <br />The Register of Deeds requested that she be authorized to place her two employees in a <br />Class 4 pay grade, rather than having one employee classified in Class 3 and the other employee in <br />a Class 4. <br />The Board decided the following: The present clerk and the new clerk, yet to be employed, <br />shall both be employed in a Class 3 nay grade at step two plus $3.00 per month. This would make <br />both employees having a starting salary of :3230.00 per month. There win be allowed no automatic