tiJ0 Minutes of the Board of Commissioners
<br />September 5, 1961
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday,
<br />in the Commissioners roam at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C.
<br />5, 1961, at ten o'clock a.m.
<br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, Clarence D. Jones,
<br />Donald McDade and Henry Walker.
<br />Members absent: None
<br />The minutes were read by the Clerk and approved with the request that an. addition be added
<br />to the section of the minutes pertainine to the request of Ike Andrews, District Solicitor. Mr'.
<br />Andrews had at the August 7th meeting requested that the Assistant Solicitor, Roy 11. Cole, be
<br />employed at a fee of $200.00 per week of Criminal Court, The Commissioners informed Mr. Andrews
<br />that they had approved $400.00 to be used for the employment of an Assistant Solicitor and that
<br />his request would be taken under advisement.
<br />After the reeuested addition and correction were made to the minutes a discussion ensued
<br />an the matter of Mr. Andrews' requests for additional terms of court and the increase in the salary
<br />of the Assistant Solicitor.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, and unanimously adopted,
<br />it was agreeded that Hoy M. Cole be allotted a salary of 8100.00 per week of criminal court and that
<br />the matter of additional terms of court be taken under advisement.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and unanimously adopted,
<br />the County Accountant was directed to investigate and deposit any surplus county funds in the banks
<br />of Orange County at the highest available interest rate.
<br />Chairman Stanford appointed Commissioner Bennett and Commissioner Jones to serve as a
<br />committee to assist the County Accountant in determining the amount of surplus funds which were
<br />available for investment,
<br />C. W. Davis and a delegation from the Union Grove Methodist Church presented a road petition
<br />for the road desi_enated as road .#1113 known as the Union Grove Church Road. The Board requested the
<br />Clerk to mail the petition to the State Highway Commission.
<br />A discussion ensued concerning the traffic problem which now exist at Glenramod School. Upon
<br />motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner McDade, and unanimously adopted, it was
<br />agreeded that T, A. Burton, Division 3ngineer, should be contacted and that an appointment with Mr.
<br />Burton be secured, in order, that this problem might be further investigated,
<br />Chairman Stanford reported that Don Matheson, Farm Agent, had proceeded with the plans for the
<br />addition to the agricultural building. It was agreeded by the Board that all department officials who
<br />'would occupy these quarters should be notified and be present at the final adoption of the new plans.
<br />The following department officials presented reports for the month of August, 1961.
<br />C. D. Knight, Sheriff
<br />Lucius Cheshire, Asst. Clerk of Court and
<br />Betty June Hayes, Register of Deeds
<br />R. J. Smith, Sr., D. D. Carroll and Giles long, member's of the A.B.C. Board were present.
<br />J. Smith, Chairman of the Board, was spokesman for the group. He requested that the Commissioners
<br />rify the report that he had read in the local newspaper that the County planned to ask for funds
<br />m the A.B.C. Board. Chairman Stanford requested the Sheriff to explain his request, which was
<br />e in his budget, for extra personnel to be used in his office for the purpose of answering the
<br />no and radio during the late evening hours.
<br />Chairman Stanford explained to the members of the A.B.C. Board that the Board of Commissioners
<br />discussed the possibility that the employment of such a person or persons might ,justify, in that,
<br />would aid the-A.B.C. officers and thus could allow the A.B.C. Board to participate in the expense
<br />this program.
<br />The A.B.C. Board informed the Commissioners that they now had monies available and had planned
<br />employ, a part time deputy but that if the Sheriff's Department would cooperate with the A.B.C,
<br />icers by assisting them in times of emergencies then the A.B.C. Board could consider the proposal
<br />ng made by the Commissioners.
<br />The Sheriff requested that an understanding of job responsbilities be clarified.
<br />Commissioner Jones suggested to the A.B.C. Board that theyparticipate in this program for a
<br />(1) year period and if after this trial basis the program is not satisfactory to the A.B.C. Board
<br />they could withdraw from the program.
<br />Discussion ensued and Burch Comption, Chief A.B— Officer, emphasized that he would like the
<br />rty of having a man from the Sheriff's department upon request.
<br />The members of the A.B.O. Board retired from the room to discuss this matter, upon their
<br />an Chairman Smith informed the Commissioners that his Board had agreed to allocate p900.00 to the
<br />ram of providing a radio operator who would be on duty in the Sheriff's office during the evening
<br />The Sheriff requested that a direct telephone line to Chapel Hill be installed in his office
<br />there were numerous ocassion where such a line was needed by his department and by the public.
<br />the Chapel Hill area.