Orange County NC Website
,?/a <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />March 20, 1961 <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, met in adjourned regular <br />ion at the County Courthouse in Hillsboro, North Carolina, the usual place of meting, at <br />0 o'clock, A.M., on March 20, 1961. <br />present: Chairman Donald M. Stanford, and Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, Clarence D. Jones <br />Donald R. McDade. <br />Absent: Commissioner Henry S. Walker. <br />The Board of Commissioners first hear the appeals for property assessments and valuations and <br />as a Board of Equalization and Review. <br />The Board of Equalization and Review adjourned and the meeting was reconvened as the Board of <br />mtv Commissioners to canvass the returns of the March 18th Special School Bond Election. <br />At 11:25 o'clock, A.M., the members of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange met <br />•h the County Board of Elections of Orange County and the two Boards, as two separate bodies, <br />uarately received from the registrars and judges of election in the various urecinets of the County <br />Orange the returns of the election upon the order authorizing $1,500,000 Sc6ool Building Bonds of <br />togs County held on March 18, 1961. <br />After said returns had been canvassed by said Board of Commissioners, such canvass heir <br />simultaneous with the canvassing thereof by the County Board of Elections in the same place, <br />Clarence D. Jones introduced the following resolution which was read: <br />RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE ELECTION UPON THE ORDER <br />AUTHORIZING $1,500,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS OF ORANGE COUNTY <br />HELD ON MARCH 18, 1961, AND DETE.RAINING AND DECLARING THE RESULT <br />THEREOF. <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange: <br />Section 1. The returns of the election upon the order authorizing 41,500,000 School Building <br />ds of Orange County held on March 18, 1961, having been received from the proper election officers <br />. having been canvassed, the Board has found and determined and does hereby declare: <br />(a) That each registrar and judge for said election was duly qualified by law and had taken <br />necessary oath. <br />(b) That the election officers had incorporated in their returns not only the number of votes <br />t for and against the question submitted but also the number of voters registered and qualified <br />vote in each precinct in said election. <br />(c) That at said election there was submitted to the qualified voters of said County the <br />lowing question: <br />Shall an order finally passed on February 6, 1961, authorizing the <br />County of Orange, North Carolina, to contract a debt, in addition <br />to any and all, other debt which said County may now or hereafter <br />have power or authority to contract, and in evidence thereof to <br />issue School Building Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not <br />exceeding $1,500,000 for the purpose of providing funds, with any <br />other available funds, for erecting additional school buildings and <br />other school plant facilities, remodeling, enlarging and recon- <br />structing existing school buildings and other school plant facilities, <br />and acquiring necessary land and equipment therefor', in order to <br />provide additional school facilities in the County of Orange to <br />maintain the six months' school term in said County as required by <br />Section 3 of Article 11 of the Constitution, and authorizing the <br />levy and collection of a sufficient tax for the payment of the <br />principal of and the interest on said bonds, be approved? <br />(d) That no complaints have been made to this Board against the regularity of said election. <br />Section 2. The following schedule correctly shows the designations of the several precincts at <br />on said election was held, the number of voters registered and qualified to vote in each precinct, <br />number of votes cast in each precinct in favor of the question submitted, the number cast against <br />d question, and the totals of such numbers: <br /> voters registered and Question Submitted <br />is Polling asses _ qualified to vote Votes For Votes Against <br />Hill #1 Town Hall 1265 277 64 <br />Hill r°.2 Estes Hill School 1218 412 53 <br />Hill N3 Woollen Gym 1627 513 31 <br />Hill #4 Lobby, High School Auditorium 1211 389 59 <br />Hill N5 Glenwood School 1365 466 56 <br />o Town Hall 1789 199 253 . <br />1 Caldwell School 435 18 85