Minutes of the Baud of Commissioners 209
<br />January 16, 1961
<br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, met in adjourned regular
<br />session at the County Courthouse in Hillsboro, the usual place of meeting at 10 o'clock, A.L.,
<br />January 16, 1961.
<br />Present: Chairman Stanford and Commissioners Harvey D, Bennett, Clarence Jones, Donald
<br />ucDade and Henry Falker.
<br />Absent: None
<br />Also present: S. u. Gattis, County Accountant, and Betty June Hayes, Register of Deeds and
<br />ex officio Clark of the Board of Commissioners.
<br />Commissioner Bennett introduced the following order authorizing bonds which was reads
<br />ORDER AUTHORIZING $1,500,000
<br />WHEREAS, The Chapel Hill City Board of Education bas certified to this Board a resolution
<br />passed on October 10, 1960, showing that adequate school facilities are not now available in the
<br />Chapel Hill City Administrative Unit to coaplV with the constitutional requirement for the maintenance
<br />of schools six months in every year, and that it is necessary, in order to maintain such six months'
<br />school term as required by Section 3 of Article IX of the Constitution of North Carolina, to erect
<br />additional school buildings and other school plant facilities, and acquire necessary land and
<br />equipment therefor to provide additional elementary and secondary school facilities in said Unit, and
<br />TTi%REAS, The Orange County Board of Education has certified to this Board a resolution Dossed
<br />on October 3, 1960, shoeing that adequate school facilities are not new available in the Orange
<br />County Administrative Unit to comply with the constitutional requirement for the maintenance of
<br />schools six months in every year, and that it is necessary, in order to maintain such six months,
<br />school term as required by Section 3 of Article IX of the Constitution of North Carolina, to erect
<br />additional school buildings and other school plant facilities, remodel and enlarge existin3 school
<br />buildings and other school plant facilities, and acquire necessary land and equipment therefor to
<br />rovida additional elementary and secondary school facilities in said Unit; and
<br />MHEIEAS, said resolutions request the Board of Commissioners to take all necessary steps, by
<br />the issuance of bonds or othernase, in order that such school facilities may be provided; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has carefully examined the facts and has determined and does
<br />hereby find as a fact that said stateurn is of the above mentioned resolutions are true and that it i
<br />hau become the duty of said Board of Commissioners, actin;; as an administrative agent of the State
<br />in providing a State system of public schools, to order the issuance of bonds of the County of Orange
<br />so that the school facilities mentioned in paragraph 1 of this order and in said resolutions may be
<br />provided in order to maintain the six months' school term in the County of Orange as required by
<br />?iection 3 of Article IX of the Constitution; now, therefore,
<br />BE IT ORDERED AND RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange:
<br />I? 1. That, purusant to The County Finance Act, as amended, and in order to maintain the six
<br />oaths- school term in the County of Orange as required by Section 3 of Article IX of the
<br />onstitution, the County of Orange, North Carolina, is hereby authorized to contract a debt, in
<br />additional to any and all other debt which said County may new or hereafter have power or authority to
<br />contract, and in evidence thereof to issue School Building Bonds in an aggregate principal amount
<br />of exceeding 41,500,000 for the purpose of providing funds, with any other available funds, for
<br />.,.s getting additional school buildings and other school plant facilities, remodeling, enlarging and
<br />reconstructing existing school buildings and other school plant facilities, and acquirin; necessary
<br />land and equipment therefor, in order to provide additional school facilities in the County of Orange.
<br />2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on said bonds when due shall
<br />as annually levied and collected.
<br />3. That a statement of the County debt has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public
<br />4. Mat this order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election
<br />provided in said Act.
<br />Toe Board thereupon designated the County Accountant as the officer to make and file with the
<br />ck the statement of debt and assessed valuation of the County as required by The County Finance
<br />, as amended, to be filed before the final passage of the Order which was introduced at this
<br />Thereupon the County Accountant filed with the Clerk, in the presence of the Board, the
<br />cement of debt and assessed valuation as so required.
<br />The order authorizing S1,500,000 School Building Bonds was thereupon passed on first reading.
<br />On motion duly made and unanimously carried the Board fixed 10 o'clock, Ail., February 61 1961,
<br />he hour and date for the public hearim3 oven the foregoing order, and directed the Clerk to publish
<br />order, together with the appended note as required by The County Finance Act, as amended, in
<br />News of Orange County, not later than the tenth day before said date.
<br />1, S. M. Gattis, County Accountant of Orange County, North Carolina, do make and file the