Orange County NC Website
Orange County Advisory Board on Aging <br /> MINUTES <br /> Tuesday, March 10, 2020 <br /> Seymour Center <br /> In Attendance: Jerry Gregory, Jeff Charles, Vibeki Talley, Rachel Bearman, Mary Altpeter, Colin Austin, Heather <br /> Altman, Dick White,Jenny Womack (Staff) Beverly Shuford, Kim Lamon-Loperfido, Mike Komives, Janice Tyler, <br /> Cherie Rosemond, Dick White, Myra Austin, Shenae McPherson <br /> Absent and Excused: James Harris, Tiketha Collins <br /> Absent: Keith Cook <br /> 1. Introductions and Announcements <br /> 2. Approval of Minutes— February 11, 2020 <br /> a. Approved with corrections: Move Jeff Charles from "Absent and Excused" to "In Attendance." <br /> Clarify Affordable Housing Coalition report (bullet 11.iv.) <br /> 3. Any other Agenda items. <br /> a. None <br /> Director's Report <br /> 4. Janice Reported that Myra Austin received the Guiding Star Award from NCAOA! Myra's staff <br /> nominated her with glowing remarks! <br /> a. The Advisory Board is very proud of Myra and congratulate her on her award <br /> 5. COVID-19 Coronavirus updates <br /> a. Gov. Cooper declared a state of emergency in response to Covid-19. Janice is seeking direction <br /> from County Heath Director for "large gatherings" for high risk people 65+ and those with <br /> chronic health condition. <br /> i. County employees have some travel restrictions, recommend employees telework if <br /> they can and promote handwashing guidelines. <br /> ii. Our lunch program attendance is already down about 25 meals and we have a lot <br /> leftover. Attendance is down in general <br /> iii. Janice will consult with the Health director and EMS to make the decision for centers to <br /> close. We have a Continuity of Operations Plan and which we can activate right away. <br /> We will work on a method to distribute lunches, many of our recipients depend on the <br /> daily meal <br /> b. The ASA conference was just canceled <br /> c. Meals on Wheels recognizes the potential for carrying the virus to recipients, but they still need <br /> to deliver. Ordered frozen and shelf-stable meals and delivering once a week. Will keep <br /> ordering week by week. Also check in by phone. Frozen meals were attainable, shelf meals <br /> were harder to get. Education a big factor. Consider home visitation and what our procedure <br /> will be <br /> 6. Annette Moore, County attorney, sent a Survey Monkey link 3/4/2020 to evaluate diversity on Orange <br /> County boards. Need to have it done by 3/11/2020 <br /> 7. Staff updates <br /> a. Kim Lamon-Loperfido— New Aging Transitions Administrator <br /> i. Congratulations to Kim and welcome! <br /> ii. Kim's position as Aging Transitions social worker will now need to be filled <br />