Orange County NC Website
Vib <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />July 6, 1960 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, July 5, 1960, at 10 o'clock a.m. in <br />Commissioners room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman R. J. L. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald McDade, <br />d Stanford and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved with some suggested changes in <br />June 6th meeting. <br />The following Department Officials presented reports 'or the month of June, 1960: <br />Bonnie Davis, Negro Horne Demonstration Agent <br />Sherman Shelton, Negro Farm Agent <br />Frank Frederick, Delinquent Tax Collector <br />G. M. Lynch, Clerk of Court <br />Commissioner McDade, presented a request from the Welfare Department which ask for salary <br />reuses for members of that Department. <br />A letter from C. W. Hall, Judge of Superior Court, was read by Cbairman Hobbs. Judge Hall <br />led to the attention the conditions which exist in the Superior Court room because of the lack <br />air conditioning. He stated, in his opinion, air conditioning was no longer a luxury but a <br />y real necessity and requested that the Commissioner make funds available for the air conditioning <br />the Superior Court room. <br />The following three (3) road petitions were submitted and the Clerk was requested to forward <br />m to the State Highway Commission. <br />1. Two roads designated as Roads 1'1306 L 51305. <br />2. Road designated as Belle-Oue Avenue in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />3. Road designated as Andrews Road. <br />Dr. 0. D. Garvin, District Health Officer, appeared and announced that the grant of 49,880.00 <br />provide health service to expectant mothers would not be withdrawn if "additional" service were <br />der'ed, Dr. Garvin repeated his request that his additional budgetary request of ;2,500.00 be <br />The members of the Board of Education were present and presented the following resolution to <br />Commissioners, <br />The County Superintendent, i. P. Carr, brought to the attention of the Board the matter of <br />?sition o° funds in the amount of X30,000.00 which vras recently received from the sale of school <br />rty in the Town of Carriers, N. C. After discussion and in line with many conferences had by <br />rs of the Board of Education, !Ar. F. Ross Porter offered the following resolution, to-writ: <br />1,72REAS, it is the carefully considered opinion of the 3oard of Education of Orange County that <br />long range plan for future development of educational facilities in said County will require a <br />;e amount of land. Said program includes the erection of a Senior High School, a Junior High <br />rod, and possibly an elementary school, vrith necesnary space not only for buildings and playgrounds, <br />also athletic activities; and <br />TlY.R3AS, as a result of extended negotiations the Board of Education has the opporuni.ty to <br />chase from 3. S. I. Latta a tract of land containing 100 acres within a distance of approydriately <br />mile of the Courthouse, at the price of j30,000.00; this tract is shown on a oredimiary sketch as <br />Is by Robert A. Jones, Registered Surveyor, in June, 1960; and <br />7,9417REAS, The Board of Diucation is unanimous in its considered opinion that said purchase of this <br />ge tract of land which is no,-, available will be not only adequate, but exceptionally well suited <br />the future development of the educational program. in this County: <br />11677 THtLRtFORE, this Board loss on record as approving the purchase of the said 100 acre tract <br />ject to the consent of the Board of County Commissioners approvin, the expenditure of the funds new <br />hand for this long range capital outlay exoenditur e, <br />BE IT FHRTHU C0119IDSPED a part of this motion that a copy thereof be immediately presented to <br />Board of County Comassaioners and their concurrence add approval be requested. <br />Further that upon the approval had from the Board of County Commissioners that the Superintendent <br />Education be authorized and directed to proceed vrith the necessiy steps for the acquiring of said <br />d, together with opinion of an acceptable attorney as to the title thereto. <br />The iore;oin, motion was duly seconded by arr. Chas. i. F'alker, Jr, and after further discussion, <br />d motion vras unanLmously adopted. <br />After considerable discussion of the Board of Commissioners agreed to delay action on this <br />ter until later in their meeting. <br />Mr. G. P. Carr, The County Superintendent, ask that his Current Expense request for additional <br />s be approved or disapproved as soon as passable, in •.order, that he might knmv what his position <br />d be in hiring of teachers. Mr. Carr also requested that the $5,000.00 which had been designated <br />the imorovement and equipo=nt of the Science room for Aycock School be approved or disapproved, as <br />n he needed to kmq+r, in order, that said equipment order might be placed, <br />Pearson Stewart, representative of the Research h iargle, presented the 1x60_1961 budget request <br />the Research Trinangle. Said request amounted to $1,030.00. The Hoard advised Mr. Steuart that