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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: February 4, 2020 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 4-a <br /> SUBJECT: National Register Approval for Cedar Grove School and the Schley Grange Hall <br /> DEPARTMENT: Environment, Agriculture, Parks <br /> and Recreation (DEAPR) <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1) Cedar Grove School — Excerpt from Peter Sandbeck, 245-2517 <br /> National Register Report <br /> 2) Schley Grange Hall — Excerpt from <br /> National Register Report <br /> 3) Elected Official Comment Letters <br /> PURPOSE: To consider the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) recommendation that the <br /> historic properties known as the Cedar Grove School and the Schley Grange Hall be approved <br /> and forwarded to the State Historic Preservation Office for listing in the National Register of <br /> Historic Places. <br /> BACKGROUND: The federal process for listing a property in the National Register of Historic <br /> Places includes a provision giving the BOCC the opportunity to offer a recommendation <br /> supporting or opposing the listing of historic properties within its jurisdiction. The HPC fully <br /> supports the nomination of these properties to the National Register. As required, the HPC held <br /> a public hearing and received public comment about these proposed National Register listings <br /> at its regular meeting on January 22, 2020. <br /> DEAPR contracted with consultants to prepare the National Register Reports to promote <br /> recognition for properties of special historical, architectural or cultural significance to Orange <br /> County. This is an ongoing HPC program to protect and preserve historic resources. Funding <br /> was provided through the County's Lands Legacy Program, which includes as one of its <br /> priorities the protection of "lands of historic, cultural, or archaeological significance." <br /> The National Register is an honorary designation that carries no local regulatory burden, but <br /> does provide a federal and state process for protection in the case of projects receiving federal <br /> or state funding, or projects that require some form of federal or state permit or license. <br /> The attached excerpts from the National Register Reports provide brief statements on the <br /> significance and describe how the properties meet the applicable National Register criteria <br /> (Attachments 1 and 2). The full research reports for each property can be viewed via these <br /> links: <br /> Cedar Grove School: <br /> Grove-School-National-Register-Report?bid I d= <br />