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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: January 21, 2020 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 6-a <br /> SUBJECT: 2020 Greene Tract Resolution and Environmental Assessment Interlocal <br /> Agreement <br /> DEPARTMENT: County Manager's Office, <br /> Attorney's Office, Planning and <br /> Inspections <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1. Greene Tract Vicinity Map Bonnie Hammersley, County Manager, <br /> 2. Proposed 2020 Resolution 919-245-2306 <br /> 3. Proposed Environmental Assessment Travis Myren, Deputy County Manager, <br /> Interlocal Agreement 919-245-2308 <br /> John Roberts, County Attorney, 919-245- <br /> 2318 <br /> Craig Benedict, Planning Director, 919-245- <br /> 2575 <br /> PURPOSE: To consider approval of the 2020 Greene Tract Resolution and Interlocal <br /> Agreement between Orange County, the Town of Chapel Hill, and the Town of Carrboro to <br /> jointly fund the costs of an environmental assessment related to the Greene Tract. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Greene Tract is a 164 acre parcel of which 104 acres is jointly owned by <br /> Orange County/Chapel Hill/Carrboro and 60 acres owned by Orange County (Headwaters <br /> Preserve). In 2001/2002, local governments approved a resolution conceptualizing uses of the <br /> 104 acre joint owned area. In 2017, local governments agreed to have the Managers, Mayors, <br /> and Chair (MMC) consider preservation and development options for the Greene Tract. Starting <br /> in May 2017, a joint staff work group began to examine the preservation and development <br /> potential of the existing Greene Tract. <br /> The MMCs requested that each alternative include specific elements and goals including, but <br /> not limited to, incorporate a future elementary school and park site, preserve valuable <br /> environmental features and corridors, protect historical and cultural resources, encourage cost <br /> effective infrastructure, and identify areas for future development. In addition, the MMC <br /> recommended staff examine the reconfiguration of the joint owned and county owned tracts. <br /> The purpose of this request was to determine the feasibility in adopting a revised resolution <br /> supporting the reconfiguration of these tracts. The 60 acres which are county owned would be <br /> established as prime preservation areas. These goals and objectives, vetted through a <br /> multijurisdictional staff work group, assisted in the development of the 2019 Greene Tract <br /> Resolution and Conceptual Plan. <br />