Orange County NC Website
1rb <br />Minutes of the Board of Cosmissioner <br />April 4, 1960 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on onday, April 4, 1960, at ten <br />o-clpck a.m. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman R. J. M. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald McDade, Donald <br />Stanf ad and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: Hone <br />The minutes were reads for the two meetings held March 7th and March 14th and approved after <br />corrections were made in the March loth minutes. <br />The road petitions were presented and the Clerk was requested to forward same to <br />the State High'nay Commission. <br />1. Road runs from warner Viard I- Severin Street to dead end, sane located in Chanel Hill <br />Township. <br />2. Road located in Hillsboro Township knam locally as Pine- Lane in the West Hillsboro <br />section. <br />3• The D. H. McCulloch farm road which links public road known as Hensley'a public road <br />and Allen'rs road. <br />4. Located in Chapel Hill Township and known locally as Harti; Street in Elkin Hill, road <br />runs from Barclay Road to dead and. <br />The folloving Department Officials presented reports fox' the month of March, 1960: <br />Franc Frederick, Delinquent Tax Collector <br />Jane Parker, Welfare Sept. <br />Jessie Growbridge, Home Demonstration Agent <br />W. Lynch, Clerk of Court <br />Walter Wrenn, Veteran Service Officer <br />C. D. Knight, Sheriff and Don Matheson, County Farm Agent. <br />Don Matheson, Chairman of the committee appointed by the Commri.ssioners to investigate the passably <br />of a new building to house all the farm Lctension offices, presented to the Board the temporary floor <br />plans for the improvements and addition to the present Farm Extension building. He esttcated that the <br />approximate cost of the improvements and additions would be 566,700.00. <br />Commissioner Jones moved and Commissioner McDade seconded said motion that Mr. !iathesonls <br />report be accepted as information and that the committee was to be commended for it's diligence. <br />Mr. Matheson informed the Board of a forthcomin; meetin;- on County Zoning. He stated that <br />there existed much interest in zoning by the citizens and various organization in the County. <br />0. D. Knight, Sherriff, requested that he be authorized to er,ploy a part time Negro deputy for <br />the Chanel Hill area. Upon motion of Cmm:d.saioner Walker, seconded by Camrissioror Jtadord, <br />and unanimously adapted, the money was granted to the Sherriff for the remainder of the bullet year <br />for the employment of a Negro deputy. <br />Upon motion of Coirmissioner McDade, seconded by Co::missioner Jones, and unanimously adopted, <br />the County Attorney and the County Accountant was authorized to ne;otiate the purchase of the <br />property adjoining the present P•ana Extension office which belon_,s to the 'ilebb Estate and Charles <br />?;alka, Jr.