Orange County NC Website
------------ --- --------- <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners 175 <br />March Ili, 1960 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session on iiondav, <br />March 1L, 1960, at ten o'clock a.m, in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N, C. <br />Members present: Chairman R. J. M. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald McDade, Donald <br />Stanford and Henry Talker. <br />Members absent: None <br />velvin Uhitfield and H. A. Bennett of the Tbite Cross community were present. They requested <br />that the Board replace Les. Roy Lloyd as Registrar in the forth coming Yinite Cross School District <br />election as lira. Lloyd was employed five days a creek at a business located outside of the district <br />and could not properly exercise the duties of Registrar. This statement was confirmed by Commissioner <br />Stanford. The County Attorney was present and read an opinion of the Attorney General which among othe <br />things stated the registration books could not be taken from the district during the registration <br />period. <br />THREAS, it has been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County, that Mrs, Roy Lloyd, s31o was appointed Registrar Sox' the 7'hite Cross School <br />District in the coming election, will not be available due to the fact that she is regularly <br />employed outside of the White Cross District: <br />HOW, THBREGOR, upon notion of Commissioner Stanford, duly seconded by Commissioner Walker, it <br />is resolved by this Board that Melvin Lloyd be appointed as Registrar in the coming election to be <br />held in White Cross ichool District on Tuesday, April 19, 1960. <br />It is further resolved that the polling place for said election be changed from the white Cross <br />School Building to the Visits Cross Community Building as said location will be more convenient for <br />the holding of the registration and voting in the district. <br />It is further resolved that the above resolutions are by way of change and amendment to the <br />former resolution adopted on Monday, Larch 7, 1960, by this Board and that said resolution as so <br />with the changes herein provided for are hereby again approved and confirmed. <br />It is ordered that the Clark to this Board furnish to the newspapers carrying notice of new <br />registration and election a corrected notice of the special election and new registration in the <br />White Cross School District which is to be held on April 19, 1960. <br />Chairman Hobbs called for a vote on this motion and there were h ayes and 0 neyes. <br />CommissL oner Walker moved that the Jailer be granted a one (1) week vacation and that the <br />Sherriff and Jailer make appropriate arrangements concerning the operation of the jail during the <br />granted vacation leave. This motion received a second from Commissioner Jones and was duly <br />passed when Chairman Hobbs called for the vote. <br />The Tax Supervisor pointed out to the Board the order mentioned in General Statutus 105-325 <br />relative to tar, collections. Commissioner Jones moved the passage of the following order. <br />"North Carolina, Orange County. To the Tax Collector of Orange County: <br />You are hereby authorized, empowered and ccamaided to collect the taxes set forth in the tax <br />books, filed in the office of the Orange County Tax Collector, and in the tax receipts herebefore <br />delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth, and such tares <br />are hereby declared to be a first lien on all real property of the respective taxpayers in Orange <br />County, and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require and enable you to <br />levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in <br />accordance with laws. <br />This motion received a second from Commissioner Talker. Chairman Hobbs called for a vote <br />and there were b ayes and 0 naves. Said motion was declared duly passed by Chairman Hobbs. <br />The meeting of the Board as a Board of Commissioners was then adjourned. <br />The Board of Commissioners convened as a Board of Equalization and Review. <br />Chairman Hobbs announced this was the eleventh Monday following the day in which tax listing <br />began and was the proper time for the hearing of equlization complaints far the 1960 tax year. <br />William Murihead presented his case for the reduction of the tax assessment on the apartment units <br />known as Glenn Iennox along with accompaning land miners from the Lennox Development Company and the <br />Country Club Development. <br />Chairman Hobbs advised is. iiurihead of the rights of this Board in regards to changing tax <br />assesmants already standing. <br />The discussion thereafter centered around the value of land owned by these companies. At the <br />conclusion of the discussion Mr. Murihead.7Hquested to extract from his records the cost of <br />construction of streets and sewer-line on his property and advise this Board of that figure. The <br />Board would then reconsider his request. <br />As this was the only case to appear before the Board the meting was declared adjourned. <br />R. J. M. Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />Gattis <br />Clerk