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x,• <br />Unutes of the Board of Comaissioners <br />February 1, 1960 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, February 1, 1960, I. <br />?i at ten o'clock a,m, in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, R, C, <br />Uembers present: Chairman R. J. E, Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald 11cDade, i' <br />Donald Stanford and Homy walker. <br />Gembers absent: Hone <br />The minutes of the January 4th pectin- were read by the Clerk and approved by the Board. <br />1 The folloring department officials presented reports for the month of January, 1960: <br />Cache Boggs, Cou::ty Dog Warden <br />Frank Frederick, Delinquent Tax Collector <br />Jane Parker, Welfare Soot. <br />E. L. Lynch, Clark of Court <br />I. Jessie Trowbridge, Home Demonstration Agent, and Evelyn Raper, Asst. Home Demonstration <br />°Agent. Dr. 7arvin,. District Health Officer, requested that aplumbing ordinance be adopted by <br />the County, he also stated that he needed more help in his department to help in the <br />santiation department. All of doctor Garvin's request rare taken under advisement. <br />Two representatives of the Research Triangle outlined the program of the Research Triangle <br />Park Area and the possibility of growth for Orange County. A discussion insued concerning <br />county zoning and the other effects that the Park Area would bring. It ras noted that <br />Orange County's quota as set by the Base=ch Triangle Commission was one-tenth (1/10) of the <br />'.'budget for the 1959-1960 fiscal year rould amount to 5887.50. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commission McDade, and unanimously adopted, <br />the quota of $887.50 set by the Research Triangle Commission for Orange County for the fiscal <br />year of 1959-1960 was to be paid. The money for said quota is to be taken from the Emergency <br />Fund. <br />17. T. Bumphass presented a road petition for a road designated as the Bumphass Road in <br />" Chapel Hill Township, the Clerk ras requested to mail same to the State Highway Commission. <br />Ben Lloyd made a request for payment for rabbits killed by dogs. Chairman Hobbs explained <br />to !s. Lloyd that under the General Statutes passes several years ago that the county was no <br />longer re snonsible for any loss occured to livestock, or fm71s killed by dogs, <br />Curtis Johnson of Bingham Tmmship requested that he be exempt from the payment of poll <br />taxes under the lam rhich enables him as a disable veteran to be exemot from said tax. Upon <br />motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by Commissioner Walker, and unanimously adopted, the <br />'.County Accountant was instructed to exempt lr. Johnson from the payment of poll tax, <br />K. B. Cole of Chapel Hill requested that action be taken by the State Hi;hway Commission <br />to out away a bank which is located on Higbmay 15-501 at the entrance of Dogp-i;od Acres Development. <br />"ar. Cole brought to the attention of the Board the fact that several serious accidents have <br />occurred because of the poor' visi]ibity caused by the height of said held" The Clerk was <br />.'requested to smite the State Hithway Commission and convey the sentiments of the Board <br />;concerning this matter. The Board would urge that the State Highway Commission investigate the <br />''. matter at the earliest possible date. <br />San Gattis, County Accountant, reported that three firms who specialize in the appraisal <br />ss of textile machinery had been contacted by his office but'that only one of the firms had <br />submitted a fee for the proposed reappraisal for the textile plants located in the county. <br />The Board recessed, in order, to meet with the County Board of Education and the County <br />A.B,O. Board for lunch at the 77est Hillsboro School. After lunch the meeting was called to <br />order by Charlie Stanford, who was elected to serve as Chairman of said meeting. <br />ual <br />The9eEUh2la>; <br />: audit for the A.B.C. System was presented by Carl Parnell, representative <br />of the 1'i, td. Russ E Co. of Raleigh. A portion-of same appears as follows: <br />Gross sales for the period was :,685,077.45 <br />Cost of goods sold were °486,410.55 <br />Gross profit ;)198,666.90 or 29% of the gross sales <br />State sales tax S68,229.81 <br />OperatinC cost S34695.85 <br />Total profit 05,7E.24 or 13.98% of the grass sales <br />Reserves for law enforcement 0,57L.12 <br />Het profit 06,167.12 or 12.58 `p of gross sales <br />The Board members were informed that tide term of Giles Long, member of the A.B.C. Board, would <br />expire as of this meeti:% a:.d that this vacancy must now be filled, <br />R. J, Smith, Sr., Chairman of the•A.B.C. Board, requested permission to speak. Chairman <br />Stanford recognized Ur. Smith and he spoke in recommendation of the re-appointment of Mr. Long to <br />the A.B.C. Board. <br />Upon motion of Ross Porter, seconded by Donald Stanford, and unanimously adopted, Giles <br />?J Long was re-instated to the A.B.C. Board for a term of three (3) years. <br />Clarence Jones spoke in behalf of the Board of Commissioners in appreciation of the fine <br />service rendered by the A.B.C. Board in establishing and maintaining the excellent A.S.C. System <br />''which now prevails in Orange County. <br />There being no further business this meeting was adjourned.