168 tiinutes of the Board of Commissioners
<br />Janu_ y L, 1960
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on :looney, January 4, 1960,
<br />at ten o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, U. C.
<br />,:embers present: Chairman R. J. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jon=_s, Donald -dada,
<br />Stanford and Henry Balker.
<br />members absent: !done
<br />The minutes of the December 7th meetin, were read by the Clerk and approved by the Board.
<br />The following department officials presented reports for the month of December, 1959:
<br />FraNr Frederick, Delinquent Tau Collector
<br />Cashe Boggs, County Dog harden
<br />Jane Parker, 'tfelfare Sunt.
<br />S. Y. Lynch, Clerk of Court
<br />C. D. Kni„ht, Sherriff
<br />;;renn, Veteran Service Officer
<br />Don :tatbeson, &1 Barnes, Cyrus Green presented reports for their office which covered
<br />farm income for the year 1959. Sherman Shelton, Negro Farm Agent, also presented his yearly
<br />report as did Jessie Troy,bridge, Home Demonstration Agent,
<br />Discussion on the Belle-VUe '.ifg. Co. readout to :'educe the appraisal of the machinery located
<br />'i said plant. for the tax year 1959 insued, Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by
<br />CDxmission=_r 1.cDade, and unanimously adopted, the matter of the Belle-Vue request was to be terminated
<br />by leaving the 1959 tar appraisal as it no,-. appears on the tax books.
<br />Upon motion of of Commissioner 'balker, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and unanimously
<br />adopted, the County Accountant ryas authorized to confer with representatives of various companies
<br />that make tax apps aisals of textile machinery and equipment and to secure from these companies their
<br />esti ated cost of mar'_ng a complete appraisal of all the textile machinery located in the tactile plants
<br />located in the county.
<br />D. L, 'idritfield or H.urlcs '::ill, ii. C., reouested that a resolution be adopted by the Board
<br />Igxactin; a charter to the newly formed Hurdles cill Volunteer Fire Department, in order, that Orange
<br />'County resident of that area sight be entitled to tae reeducation in their fire insw coca rates.
<br />Upon motion of Cc mi ssioner 'dalker, seconded by Commissioner Stanl aid, the following resolution
<br />one adopted:
<br />"EiTTnAS, The Board of County CosrSssioners of Person County, `forth Carolina, have by
<br />anprooriate resolution created the Hurdle 311s Fire Department zri.thin an area included in a four
<br />:ai1e radius from the conauniby of Hurdle Dill1s;
<br />Al.-D'if= R145, the above area will include a Dart of Orange County and in order for tine
<br />citizens included in said area to have and enjoy the benefits of fire protection by the aforementioned
<br />organization the -card o' County Commiss_oners of Orane County does nrne by resolution approve the
<br />action of the Board of Co.=i szioners of Person County and does further hereby clothe the Fire
<br />Commissioner appointed for the Hurdle !ii1s Rural `ire District with such authority in Orange County
<br />as his office as Fire Cotmiss`_onea entitle his to under the Drovis'on of the Statutes of !forth
<br />Carolina.
<br />J.. i• :tcCauley requested that the tan v=due on his prooerty located in Hillsboro be redcced.
<br />The Board a;reed to review his situation as it aucezred an error could have been made at tze time
<br />of the revaluation.
<br />After consices'able discussion concc:nin{ personell and tY.e:r respective job responsibilities
<br />Cocmissioner Jones moved and Corrissfoner Stanford seconded his notion that the Clerk of Court be
<br />authorized to employ a full time Deputy Clark of Superior Court.
<br />The County Accountant presented to the Board his tentative plans for the beginning of a tax
<br />map for the county. He •ans authorized by the Board to crocaed with the mapping project.
<br />Chairman Hobbs appointed Don ;.attisson, County Farm A..ent, Commissioners Henry Calker and
<br />Donald Stanford, as the commIttee of three to investi.ate the possably of a nerr, building to house
<br />all t..e farm crtension offices.
<br />!here vein; no iwther cosiness the meetin; pas adjourned,
<br />R• J.:a. Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />'Betty June Hayes
<br />`Clerk